Why is Poland “so evil”?

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0:00 - Dmitriy Medvedev
0:16 - Eugene, 43, IT manager
1:02 - Kirill, 19, musician
1:17 - Artem, 20, student
1:34 - Eugene, 43, IT manager
2:20 - Bogdan, 24, Crypto Trader
2:38 - Olga, 58, Social worker
2:42 - Alisher, 24, Marketer
3:13 - Lady #7
3:34 - Samina, 19, student
3:40 - Novel, 23, student
3:59 - Olga, 58, Social worker
4:36 - Alisher, 24, Marketer
5:00 - Olga, 58, Social worker
5:16 - Lady #7
5:43 - Svetlana, 50, Accountant
6:04 - Lady #7
6:37 - Bogdan, 24, Crypto Trader
6:46 - Kirill, 19, musician
7:07 - Eugene, 43, IT manager
7:48 - Olga, 52, Marketer
8:24 - Olga, 58, Social worker
8:36 - Alexei, 36, Businessman
9:05 - Andrey, 25, IT specialist
9:18 - Bogdan, 24, Crypto Trader
9:40 - Eugene, 29, Businessman

Filmed 3-4 weeks ago by Artyom in Moscow.
Managed & Directed by Andrew.
Edited by Vlad.
Translated by Dante.
Produced by Daniil Orain.
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Wrong translation:
7:10 - You've probably heard the recent news that Poland wants to participate in NATO program to host nuclear weapons in their country

Upcoming interviews:
Tomorrow: «In our new history books, the West is our number 1 enemy 😲»
- «What can we do to stop drones attacks?»
- «Are we losing so far?»


Elderly lady: "What have we done wrong to them?" Un-fucking-believable. Take your own advice, lady, study history.


There is no russophobia in Poland. Only russorealism.


My Russian stepdaughter married a Polish guy and lives in Poland now. Her quality of life is vastly better in Poland than it was in Russia. Her Polish husband treats her 2 kids from her prior marriage as if they are his own. She is employed and in her free time, she helps Ukrainian refugees.

Her twin in Russia supports Putin and the war. It has created a division in the family, I doubt can be healed.

Watching your interviews I am endlessly amazed at the ridiculous Russian beliefs about the war and the west; the war was started by the West, the West covets Russia's resources, and Russians seem to be completely clueless about why nations they occupied and oppressed don't like Russians.


Here in Finland we just love polish people. Great and proud nation -and for a reason.
..Much respect!


Russo-phobia? A phobia is an unreasonable fear. As Russian politicians have alluded to the conquest of Poland after they finish with Ukraine, such fear is not unreasonable.


Alexei, 36, businessman needs to give up the lunchtime vodka if he thinks Ukraine will be divided between Poland and Russia.


As a Ukrainian, I will be grateful and grateful to Poland for the rest of my life for what she did for us in difficult times, regardless of the difficult history between our countries. They showed themselves at a difficult moment in our history as people who can analyze and understand that history is history, you need to look ahead. THANK YOU POLAND, you are the best.


I am an Australian who has been trying to learn Polish. I don't have a single drop of Slavic blood in me - I am entirely Anglo - but Poland seems like it will be the "next" big, cool country in Europe. There are a lot of Polish people here in Australia, and it's really cool visiting Polish events. I really hope the Poland-Australian relationship continues to grow and we remain good friends.


as a Lithuanian give big respect to Polish brothers


As a Czech, I love our Polish neighbors.❤


I'm proud of Poland :) love from CZ


Russophobia? You attacked an independent country that happens to be their neighbour. What do you expect them to do? To welcome you with open arms?


"Poland has always warred with everyone!"
Poland has been fighting for it's very survival for more than 200 years! Even as an American, I know that! That lady needs to study history!


"How dare Poland hate us for our heinous actions. They should celebrate our barbarism"


As a Pole, seeing young generation Russians have positive or neutral attitude towards us makes me hopeful that the future between us will be better. They seem to have common sense. Thanks Daniil for another interesting video!


here in the UK we have loads of Polish immigrants and i've never had any problem with them,
i quite like Polish people!


Olga: “I was in Poland in the 90s when the Soviet Union collapsed and they felt angry to Russia”.

Gee…I wonder why the Polish people didn’t feel too happy with Russia in the 1990s…maybe because they were finally free (again) from almost 300 years of Russian control.


"I judged the Poles by their enemies. And I found it was an almost unfailing truth that their enemies were the enemies of magnanimity and manhood. If a man loved slavery, if he loved usury, if he loved terrorism and all the trampled mire of materialistic politics, I have always found that he added to these affections the passion of a hatred of Poland. She could be judged in the light of that hatred; and the judgment has proved to be right."

Gilbert Keith Chesterton


Poland is a good country. And the people of the USA stands behind Poland. 🇵🇱 🇵🇱🇺🇸🇺🇸✌️🤟
