How to Plan Projects using free Project Planner Excel Template?

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This video presents the project management framework used in the template and then a live demo of the template.
You will learn how to do the following using the template
To know when your projects will complete and if projects will complete by due dates (deadlines).
To understand resource utilization and identify opportunities for re-assignment to improve project completions.
To determine any shortage of resources, so that you can request additional resources.
To communicate to project stakeholders the readily printable project plan report, project timeline, project schedule (Gantt chart) and resource schedule.
Key features of the template
Have Control over Project and Task dates
Project Start Dates can be restricted (optional) by providing preferred start date
Task Start Dates can be restricted (optional) by providing preferred start date
Preferred Project End Dates (aka Project due dates) can be given to compute if projects complete on time (optional)
Preferred Task End Dates can be given to compute if tasks complete on time (optional)
Control the order of Projects and Tasks by assigning priorities
Projects need to be prioritized and prioritization is followed when resources are assigned
Tasks can be prioritized and prioritization is followed when resources are assigned
Each task can have up to two predecessors (dependencies). They can be within project or from other projects. A task can begin only the day after its predecessors have completed.
Customize Capacity or Resource availability
Customize Weekends
Can handle any number of company holidays
Hours available to work per day (for the duration of the planning period) is customizable for each resource.
Each task is assigned to one and only one resource. A project can have multiple tasks and hence multiple resources.
Resource can be assigned to multiple tasks on the same day.
Planning is done at the granular unit of hours
Assign some tasks as milestones if needed
How to use the template
Overview of steps
[Data Entry] – Enter basic settings such as planning period, resources’ availability and company holidays
[Data Entry] – Enter Project list
[Data Entry] – Enter tasks, assigned resources and duration of work
[Automated] – View Project plan summary, timeline view and resource summary report
[Automated] – View Gantt Charts – Schedule for all tasks, one project or a resource
[Automated] – View Resource Availability and Scheduled hours