No IV while in Labor?! | OBGYN explains

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I actually got a scar from my IV. I knew something was wrong with it, blood kept pooling, and it was hurting. Asked my nurse if we could take it out or redo it, she laughed at me and left the room. It isn't the profession being attacked, it's the providers that aren't doing their job well being called out.


My birth experience was so traumatic I can’t even talk about it without crying. I ended up feeling completely violated. My pregnancy was healthy and labor/delivery should have been fine. It wasn’t, because of the people at the hospital. So many things happened that could have been avoided. I was bullied and ignored. Women’s healthcare should be under scrutiny.


I was told to be quiet by my labor and delivery nurse because I cried out in Pain. Then she was making fun of me for “walking funny “ after I had my son because he was a big baby. (In an extremely rude way)They all kept making comments about how young I was and were extremely disrespectful because I was there alone. I’m still not over it years later. Birth trauma is real. Being made to feel unsafe in such a vulnerable position is traumatic.
Plus I had to lay flat on my back the entire time (they said because they had to keep the baby on a monitor) omg it was awful.


It's not villanized. Women are finally able to share their horrific experiences.


Just educate people on their options. You CAN decline iv fluids and still consent to a saline lock for emergency uses. Women need to hear they have options bc we’re usually not given them up front.


So I am a labor and delivery nurse and I feel that I have a very objective opinion on Working in a large teaching hospital is very different than working in a community hospital. I worked in a large tertiary care center for a long time and we were up on all the latest education and we did all sorts of things for all of our different sorts of clients. People who wanted to have natural birth had options people who had super complicated comorbid conditions also had their needs met and it was wonderful. That I moved to a more rural area and I took a job in a community hospital with only private physicians. When I tell you I didn't know what decade I was in I am not lying. I walked away from my sign on bonus which was over $10, 000 because I could not stand going to that place and the way they treated their patients. So although your experience maybe one thing please understand that's not what happens in all obstetrical departments in all hospitals. And I'm saying that from a very objective point of view


I had a natural water birth with my firstborn. No complications, no trauma. Then I had an emergency C-section with our middle child because she was breach, and due to a prior positive COVID test they refuse to attempt an ECV on me without an epidural.

Then with the birth of our last child I was abused, traumatized, and devastated by the total lack of care and compassion from the nurses. I was told to stay quiet when I was 30 seconds apart with contractions. I was told not to push because I wasn't fully dilated or a faced even though she was coming out of me whether I wanted her to or not. My husband ended up delivering her because the OB was not even ready to deliver her when I got up on all fours with "the baby's coming!". And then after that I received abhorrent care from the nurses. I was forced to keep the IV in for over 24 hours because of the nurses stupid superstition. Woken up every hour for those terrible fundal massages.

You can have all your feelings as an OBGYN, you can have all your feelings working as a labor and delivery nurse, but none of your feelings negate any woman's experiences with delivery. Positive or negative. You do not get to say that it is wrong for your entire field to be vilified.


I’m glad it’s under attack. It’s absolutely time for a reform in maternity, birth and postpartum.


I’m glad for modern medicine too, but almost every mother with whom I speak shares at least one story of feeling rushed, unsupported by and looked down on by the medical professionals present for their birthing experiences.


My sister had to deal with VERY hostile nurses when she gave birth. Her husband who is very laid back said “why are they acting like they are jealous of you”. It was so bad my sister wouldn’t let my niece go anywhere by herself whenever a nurse came to get her, her father went with them. I love that this profession is getting called out. It’s filled to the brim with toxic doctors and nurses. The United States is experiencing an increase in infant birth deaths as well as maternal mortality and the amount of hospitals, doctors etc being sued for malpractice is shocking. Every single woman I know has trauma from the experiences they had when pregnant/giving birth. Out of dozens of staff my sister only had 1 nurse who was nice to her.


If you’re a good doctor it’s not your fault so idk what to tell you but it’s important that it’s talked about & criticized 🤷🏻‍♀️ there’s entirely too many stories about women being mistreated during labor for us to pretend that the industry as a whole isnt extremely problematic. The United States has an unnecessarily high mortality rate during birth as well, which needs to be investigated and resolved


Allow women to choose the risks they're comfortable taking. IVs aren't necessary for everyone, and neither is constant monitoring. Let mothers decide which preventative interventions they want and which they don't.


I was the most vulnerable and a doctor laughed in my face. Two doctors separate times. I hate going to the doctors


When I found out I was having twins for my first pregnancy, I was only 8 weeks pregnant and the first OBGYN that i had told me that we were going to do a c section and i ddnt have much choice. I laughed in her face and said no thanks and then called the hospital and told them I would need a new OBGYN and specified which one I wanted and when they said oh we don't normally switch doctors in the same group I said that's okay I'll go to the other hospital in town.. miraculously they figured it out 😂. I ended up having a healthy vaginal birth about as low risk as it could be and never once had a c section mentioned to me because it was never medically necessary to consider.


Every woman I know has trauma from an obgyn experience. It is under attack because there are a lot of very inconsiderate, cocky, and uncaring doctors who treat women like incubators and not humans. Before blaming women for having questions about their care maybe blame your colleagues who cause women to question so deeply.


My labor and delivery nurse stripped my membrane without warning me or getting my consent. I was rushed to an emergency c-section because of her and the other labor and delivery nurses’s carelessness. Your field isn’t villainized unfairly- it’s absolutely justified. I’m glad people are waking up to the terrible medical system that puts profits above caring for people and providing informed care.


It’s also disheartening when your medical team prefer interventions that eventually lead to c-sections, when sometimes a simple position change is all you needed. My last bub was sunny side up. They told me this when they broke my waters before I was in labour. Instead of doing something simple like asking me to go on my hands and knees or doing some simple spinning babies techniques before I was in active labour to spin her, then continued to make me labour on my back without allowing gravity to help in any way. Surprise surprise, I got to 9cm and she was stuck, wedged in the wrong way, in distress and I needed an emergency c-section.

Yet a little bit of time and care early in the induction could have most probably prevented that. And THAT is why women are advocating for themselves. Because they can’t trust their doctors to not rush them through the process.


When there are more traumatic stories than not. We’re tired of being polite little girls and just “going with the flow” and letting others do what they want with our bodies. Enough is enough.


Women got on social media and got to talking and realized many of us feel gas lite, disrespected, and traumatized by obs. So instead of blaming social media, maybe ask women why they are going to social media looking for advice and why they dont trust obs and do something about that.


My OB emotionally bullied me into pushing at 8cm and forced his hand inside of me repeatedly, even with me screaming no and stop to "push back " my cervix and repeatedly told me I wasn't "primal enough " IT WAS MY 5TH BIRTH! I TOLD HIM NO AND HE WOULDN'T STOP.