EPIDURAL During Labor and Delivery | PROS and CONS for Epidural for Labor and Birth

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Pros and Cons for Epidural for Labor and Birth

When it comes to getting an EPIDURAL DURING LABOR AND DELIVERY, a common question I get asked is, "What are my medication options during birth?" While there are many options, most women use an epidural for labor and birth. To know whether an epidural during labor and delivery is the right choice for your birth, you need to ask questions like, "How does an epidural work?", "When to get an epidural?", "What are the side effects of an epidural?" and "What are the pros and cons of an epidural?"

In this video you'll learn what to expect with an epidural and what a medicated birth in hospital might mean for you in terms of epidural side effects and epidural experiences during birth.



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I love my epidural experience, I felt contractions but it was more like a pressure not pain . I slept good for awhile and I had my baby in 3 pushes :))) it was so worth it and I only have a positive experience .


My sister-in-law tried to pressure me into getting an epidural and it was so maddening. Even when I explained I want to try to have a natural birth, if I FEEL I need an epidural I’ll get one but there’s no reason to get one just because because there are risks. To which she replies “just get one! Just get one. They are fine” and gives me this look that says “okay whatever your gonna get one cause your not going to be able to handle the pain. You think you will but you can’t cause I couldn’t”

Women need to also respect others decisions, not pressure each other or make them feel bad about the decisions they make in the birthing process. It’s already scary as it is!


Her: “hey mama”
Me, a 19 year old college student who is NOT pregnant: “hey girl”


Had an epidural - it was the perfect choice for me. I was so comfortable and laboured for 25 hours, could still tell when contractions came and had good awareness of pressure to push. Would recommend to any women if they wanted a comfortable experience!


I gave birth to my 1st baby last august 15. I asked for the epidural at 8cm dilation. It went super well. Ive really enjoyed it. I could feel every contraction without the pain... with my husband we talked and laughed... i was very relaxed. I pushed for 14 minutes! It was hard when the head came out even with the epidural... i could not imagine not having it in that moment. I loved giving birth... it was the best experience of my life... i wanted it to be a serene, relaxed and happy moment and it truly was.


None of these cons happened to me.
As soon as I got it, I went from 4cm to 9cm and started pushing. No fever, no headache, no pain from contractions nor stitching. I could feel crowning and contractions, but no pain. I literally was walking within 2 hours, my legs never were paralyzed. And I was not confined to my back or my bed during labour. Nurses encouraged to go on all 4’s, during labour to push.

EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! Had I done research prior to my labour, I would have been anxiously anticipating all these cons to happen to me, but instead I went in without any expectation and it helped me so much.

Now, that I’ve given birth, I watch labour videos for fun and to learn more about what I went through. But sometimes by researching you set yourself up for disappointment when it doesn’t happen the way the video said it would!


I’m more scared of the epidural then the actual birth LMAO


I've had two births. My first was medicated with an epidural and my second was unmedicated. Yes, I was in the worst pain of my life but I'm so proud of my strength and dedication to have a natural birth and see it through. My second birth was honestly a better experience than my first, because after my second, beautiful baby girl was born, I was able to get up and move around as I pleased and use the bathroom by myself, without a catheter. When my first, beautiful baby girl was born, I had to wait hours after her arrival for my epidural to wear off before I could even move my legs. They felt extremely numb and heavy. I hated that feeling. Something to remember ladies is as soon as your sweet baby is born, the pain is gone and you feel like yourself again, only happier and with a fuller heart🥰 With that being said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with getting the epidural. It works wonders for us mamas and we have modern medicine at our disposal for a reason. Do what you feel is best for you and your labor and delivery. I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant with my third baby, my first baby boy💙 I plan on having another natural, unmedicated birth, because I feel it's what's best for me, my birthing/postpartum experience, and my baby.


I am a L&D nurse and I never have my epidural patients push on their back only. There are plenty of options for pushing w an epidural. Ex: Side-lying, squatting with squat bar, tug of war pushing, pelvic rocking, and more.


Epidural wasn’t bad at all. I just had my baby last week. I was in labor for over 24 hours and I got mine at 2cm. I couldn’t take the pain from the contractions anymore. My baby came at 30 weeks last week. The delivery was a breeze and I only push once. Waters broke at 23 weeks so I was hospitalized until she came. She is in NICU doing well.


I still felt all my contractions with an epidural just didnt have any pain with it. So i felt when i needed push.


Oh my god. You covered all the bad side effects I got with the epidural with my 2 babies. I feel like the epidural made everything worse and my deliveries were both very traumatic ☹️. Now I’m 30 weeks pregnant and I’m really really considering not getting an epidural this time because I don’t think my body reacts good with it. Pray for me


So many women pressure me to get an epidural! I agree with the pain vs suffering concept- sure there will be pain, this is a natural function of the women’s body and there is pain and discomfort. If I end up suffering mentally and emotionally and can’t push thru, I will probably get an epidural. But I am going in mentally prepared as much as I can with coping mechanisms, support from my husband, and prayer/meditation. For me the cons outweigh the pros!


I had an epidural with my first child, which ended up
Being a blessing because I had a retained placenta and the OR was full. I’m so happy I had chosen …after laboring and exhausting myself unmedicated 16 hours, to finally get relief and have the rest of the labor be calm and beautiful. If you’re in the moment and need the help, thank GOD there is an option for us to even have one !


27 weeks today. As a first-time mom, I am terrified of what I am about to encounter. Thanks for being informative and supportive for people to make their choices in all your videos.


Here to remind women not to be afraid of the epidural. 🧡 If it is the right choice for you and your birth experience then be confident in making that decision. I had an epidural and wasn't planning on having one. Because I have an extra lumbar vertebrae, I knew it was going to be a possibility. Based on the back pain I experienced in labor because of my extra vertebrae the epidural was worth it! I could still feel my contractions, didn't need any other medications during labor, my total labor from beginning to end was 14 hours. Baby latched perfectly and am still breastfeeding without trouble. Do what is best for you and your baby. 🧡 Being able to have my baby without pain gave me the ability to experience only joy from labor. Can't wait to have my next!


Doula here: I totally agree here. There is a difference between pain and suffering, and I NEVER want my clients to suffer, however cascade of intervention is REAL. PLEASE listen to this video. Tearing is more likely, but these can be stitched without future issue. I support my clients in WHATEVER they choose, but it’s important to know the PROS AND CONS. You women need to know that you are infinitely powerful and unstoppable. I believe in each and every one of you.


Had 4 kids no epidural all natural seriously hard pain and yes but honestly when the baby is out all pain was completely gone 💯%im delivering soon I'm due march 17 with baby #5 so let's do this once more 12 years later 😂❤🙏🏻


Keep in mind not all cons apply to everyone. I’ve had three births with epidural and I’ve always progressed faster after I got it than before because I was able to relax. I get terrible sciatic pain with every contraction for some reason with every child I’ve had no matter what. My babies have never had issues after birth either because of an epidural. So bottom line do what you can deal with. Nothing is guaranteed.


You can do it ladies. I’ve had all my daughters (3) unmedicated natural birth. The most painful part is when you hit 7-10 cm in dilation BUT I went from 7–10 within 10mins and had my daughters within the third contraction once I hit 10cm. Our bodies are meant to do this and to tolerate pain. All three labors started and ended in less than 3 hours and by that I mean from the first contraction to the baby being born. Lots of sex tho and I mean lots of it! Makes labor go by faster.
