There are NO hidden dangers in fruit and honey

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Fruit and honey are beneficial for humans, as seen in the research.

In this video, I break down why fructose from fruit is not to be feared, and address some other misconceptions about potential dangers of fruit and honey in the human diet.




00:00 Intro
00:42 Framework
01:30 Fructose overview
03:14 HbA1c measures fructose
05:37 Fructose in rats
08:27 Fruit and glycation
09:41 Benefits of fruit and honey
10:47 Dangers of keto
13:13 Summary

I’ve seen a lot of discussion online in the ketogenic circles about the hidden dangers of fruit and honey and I wanted to give my take on these claims. In this video, I share some recent findings on HbA1c and how it actually does measure fructose glycation, the district benefits of fruit and honey, and the downfalls of a long term ketogenic diet.

There have been discussions around this idea that you cannot measure fructose glycation of hemoglobin with any lab test that we have commercially available for humans. However, we see in the research that when you feed mammals excess fructose, both fructose in the blood as well as HbA1c will reflect the increase in fructose intake.

So good news - if you’re eating fruit and honey and you’re worried, just check a HbA1c!

On the idea that fructose is harmful for humans: I believe that whole food sources of fructose are not harmful for humans, and are actually shown to be beneficial. We should not confuse studies looking at pure fructose or high fructose corn syrup with those that include whole food sources (fruit / honey).

Fruit is repeatedly proven to be a benefit for humans, both protecting from oxidative stress and improving endothelial function, improving markers of vascular health and cardiovascular disease long term.

We should also note the hidden dangers of a ketogenic diet - it can increase advanced glycation end products, which was the initial concern about fructose here (and as we saw in the research, fruit actually improves glycation…)

If you can’t tell, I’m a huge advocate for including fruit and honey in the human diet. Carbohydrates are essential for optimal performance, electrolyte maintenance, and hormonal balance. And in my opinion, the absolute best form of carbohydrates you can include in your diet are fruit and honey.

Fruit is the least toxic part of the plant, the part the plants wants you to eat. It’s sweet and colorful. Honey is also very low in toxins and contains vital compounds like nitric oxide precursors.

As stated at the end of the video, I appreciate all the conversations and opinions around this topic and love friendly discussions like this. I hope we can continue this exchange with my good friends in the keto community in order to advance the narrative and give more people the opportunity to achieve optimal health!

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Dr. Paul Saladino received his medical degree from the University of Arizona Medical School. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Saladino is a licensed physician in California, but he no longer practices in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Saladino and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#fruit #animalbased #keto #carnivorediet #ketosis
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after reading these comments i don’t know what to eat anymore


When I added fruit to my carnivore diet, I was hungry all day….maybe I just have too much metabolic damage. If I was fit/healthy/active all my life I think I’d be good with fruit and meat, but for me, for now I have to cut out the fruit.

If it works for you, great! I’m glad your healthy and happy.


I think the level of detail everyone is going into in the comments is just beyond ridiculous. If you have eliminated processed food, starchy carbs, refined sugar, vegetable oils etc etc…you’re f*ing fine, eat some fruit eat a f*ing salad if you want; you’re good, chill…get on with your life.


I don't think fruit and honey are inherintly dangerous. That being said, many who start the carnivore diet are trying to heal autoimmune disease/leaky gut and a strict meat elimination diet has to be implemented for a period of time to seal the gut lining first. I look forward to reintroducing fruits in the near future, but I think it's important to make the distinction as many, including myself, cannot tolerate fruits at this point in time.


I often wonder what we would eat if we had no supermarkets and were completely dependent on foods that we produced ourselves. I suspect vegetarians and vegans would ceast to exist- over consumption would ceast to exist, and all these fantastically ingenious mixtures of ingredients within one meal would also fail to exist. This tells us something about how humans have adapted to live and eat.


I’m so disappointed that there are not more people in carnivore communities talking about light environments and seasons.
This guy lives in a high light environment where fruit grows locally and year round. I live in the upper peninsula of MI.
It’s winter six months out of the year. If I ate fruit in the dead of winter I would have a very different effect than a guy that eats honey snd then goes surfing. Light environments matter, location matters.


Dr. I believe you because I’ve been doing the carnivore diet just like you, and I started getting these palpitation.I was glad to see your video that talked about that and began to incorporated some fruits in my diet. within in a couple of days it went away and I’m still just eating meat and fruits. I feel so much better. I really believe that everyone is different and everyone should try to find what works for them.


I am type 2 diabetic. Diagnosed about 10’years ago. Did really well on a low carb diet for a few years then fell off the wagon and gained most of my lost weight. 11 months ago went strict keto and lost about 10 lbs immediately but stalled. Became mostly carnivore about 5 months ago and have seen a dramatic reduction in my A1C (from 8.6 to 5.9 currently. The only carbsni typically consume are raw honey and green apples. However I only consume about 40-80 carbs per day. I think it is important to eat some fruit and honey. We need some carbs. Everyone has to find what works for them. Thank you Dr Saladino for your honest approach. I admire you, Dr Ken Berry and Dr Robert Cywes and I credit all of you with helping me battle my disease


The HBA1C test does not test for glycation products resulting from fructose glycation, only those from glucose. So I doubt any damage from fructose would show up in a typical HBA1C test.


I did Keto/Carnivore for 4 A1C and regular blood glucose readings got worse. (went from concern to full blown pre-diabetes teetering on T2D) I've been adding carbs back since October and the Blood Sugar readings have improved. I truly believe that this was from the increased cortisol from fasting and carb restriction...for me. Now I'm just trying to figure out which carbs are best for me and honestly...veggies seem to be out (due to digestive issues) and fruit and honey really seem to be working for me.

I never adapted on Keto and Carnivore - after awhile, my energy was awful and sleep got worse....once I added carbs back I felt great. Now I just need to fine tune it all.


Hey Paul, You and Shawn Baker helped turn my life around! Ty! Your videos always flush the Experts out, but you and Ken have them typing like demons on this topic! Good job!


Great videos. Your videos and material have helped me so much. Thank you


What about the randle cycle? Wouldn't combining the high fat from carnivore with carbs from fruit and honey continually activate the randle cycle, blocking energy to the mitochondria leading to all sorts of issues like diabetes, fat gain and insulin resistance???


Appreciate your enthusiasm Paul and yet again you make yourself the example of the fruit and honey diet. However, the majority do not exercise like crazy like you do. Can you tailor your talk to us, mere mortals, pre diabetics and diabetics?


I realized that when I practice putting just berries in high quantities back into my diet or even drinking just coconut water I start to crave all kinds of sugar and I have to really be careful and keep my carbs down. Yes, there is huge illness like Candida that is highly affected by honey and fruit. Personally, I could not keep my candida in control without giving up the carbs that include fruit and honey.


Thank you SO much for this!! I was really worried about these issues!🌞🙏🌟


I appreciate this Paul. I am no scientist, but my best sources still tell me that excess fructose (regardless of whether it is naturally sourced) is damaging. However, the carnivore community indeed vilifies fruit and honey needlessly. I myself have a little bit of fruit every day. Still, that is no license to guzzle fruit endlessly...


I’ve been following an animal based diet very close to Paul’s for 75 days since my atherosclerosis diagnosis. I also try to do an 18hr fast in between. This is to accelerate weight loss and reverse the plague build up. I also take Berberine and a vit K2D3 oral spray daily. I try to keep my carbs at 100g and I eat around 700g of meat per day. I’ve lost 9kg so far.


the paper clearly states in the Discussion that "the assays cannot accurately detect in vivo fructation". **that** is why there's no detected change in a1c, because the assays are insensitive to it. 🤦‍♂


Good. Saw Dr Berries video recently on this very subject after your last podcast with him. Looking forward to his response to the information you just presented.
