'35 Weeks Pregnant' by PregnancyChat.com @PregChat

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In This Pregnancy Video: 
Monica talks about the week 35 of your pregnancy! 

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Video Topic:
• 35 weeks pregnant
• Pregnancy Week By Week
• Pregnancy Week 35
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I hate when they compare sizes to vegetables and fruits cause it seems like the baby is not that big when they are bigger than that.


35 weeks today! This has been a long pregnancy for me. Suffering from heart burn and acid reflux all day and worse at night. Can't wait till October, I'm ready


Turned 35 weeks today and I’m excited to meet my girl. I’ve experienced almost nothing during my pregnancy, no Braxton Hicks, no feet swelling and slight heart burns. This has been a wonderful pregnancy!💖


Let’s just appreciate her efforts into giving us that piece of information. She is human and none is born perfect, at least she is sharing something we didn’t know about. It could be her natural way of communication and we are hear criticizing than appreciating her that’s purely unfair. From me, Thank you so much for taking your time to gather and sharing that information, I find it useful and I apologize on behalf of those who are just best at criticizing. God bless you My dear!


I look forward to these videos each week they are always so informative only 5 more weeks to go 🍼


My husband and I have been watching your series each week since we discovered you. We prefer your summary to the cheesy one we were reading each week. Please know that your channel is still impacting families. We are excited to almost be at the end. Blessings!


I'm 35 weeks pregnant today please pray for me for safe delivery, since I have few weeks left


I'm 35 weeks. I have been following your YouTube videos since week 1


Thank you Mrs. Monica. I have been following your videos weekly ever since the day I found out I Was pregnant. Even though I am due to have my third child soon, it's always refreshing to brush up on what I already know as well as get more information on what i do not. Thanks again and I pray all is well with you. 😊


I made 35 weeks yesterday. It’s been a pretty smooth pregnancy for me besides my morning sickness & my sciatic nerve bothering me, but I’m past that. I pray it all stays good & that I have an easy delivery. I’m due january 24th😇


Get this baby out of me 😂
I'm so over this pregnancy this is my third and most painful one. I was up last night with 1min contractions every 10 min but they went away after 2 hours 😩


i'm 35 weeks pregnant and was in preterm labor at 33 weeks 6 days but doctors got it to slow down. so happy i made it another week (: can't wait to meet my baby boy


Hi Leighla, anxiety is a part of pregnancy... Just try not to worry, relax and enjoy these last few weeks. Have a wonderful birth experience. x


Hello Erika,

Thank you for contacting us.

Skin pigmentation can change throughout pregnancy and this is normal due to hormonal changes. I wouldn't worry too much about this but if you are concerned please let your doctor examine you.

Kindest regards,


Okay im 35 weeks today and i teared up at every little thing she had to say about the baby this week. Due with my first baby i cant wait to meet her :)


just wanted to let you know that I've watched you videos throughout my pregnancy & I don't know what i would do without you! you have helped me figure out why my body does what it does & what baby is doing. thanks for all your advice & knowledge . 5 more weeks ! =D


I am 35 weeks day 3 today - I have swollen feet couldn't walk at all & SPD which is painfull to sleep, get up from bed & chair, hard to walk, any movements are restricted but I will bite my teeth & walk short time .... I am active indoors but I sit time to time inbetween cooking or cleaning or giving shower to my 4 & half years old boy. I wish I could stop making noises when ever I move my body 😁 - the one thing depressed me through this journey is I can't clean my self in toilet so I had to jump in shower few times a day that made me even cry infront of my baby dad but those ( hugs & kisses & telling me it will be over soon, you are not the only one going through this, you are doing great & he telling u never complain still doing what you do in normal day it's only now to the end you are like this you are doing this while looking after our boy so don't worry you are strong mum )
made it all better.


lol I love watching these videos even though she twisted her words this whole video lol anyone else catch. when she said normer lol but this is awesome to follow every week . I'm so excited to meet my baby boy


Wow thanks so much for your kind comment! I'm so happy you are enjoying the videos!! The next 5 weeks will fly by :) Wishing you all the best. Kindly, Monica


Dear Carrie, thanks so much for your kind comment. So glad you are enjoying the videos and that they are keeping you calm. Congrats!
