3D Visualization of a Convolutional Neural Network
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I take a look at Adam Harley's 3D visualization of a Convoluational Neural Network. I am not affiliated with this project, I merely comment on it. Also I think it's awesome.
The shown convolutional neural network (CNN) is designed and trained to recognized hand written numbers. At the heart of a CNN are the convolutional layers that perform an operation that can be thought of as filtering. They enhance certain features, in this case edges of different orientations by adjusting the weights of their input pixels.
3D Visualization:
The shown convolutional neural network (CNN) is designed and trained to recognized hand written numbers. At the heart of a CNN are the convolutional layers that perform an operation that can be thought of as filtering. They enhance certain features, in this case edges of different orientations by adjusting the weights of their input pixels.
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