Introduction to Waves

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This is an AP Physics 1 Topic.
0:00 Intro
0:07 Mechanical wave definition and demonstrations
2:19 Did the medium move from one place to another?
3:12 A wave is energy moving through a medium
4:27 Demonstrating and defining a transverse wave
5:26 Demonstrating and defining a longitudinal wave
Next Video: Understanding Longitudinal and Transverse Waves, Wavelength, and Period using Graphs
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Creating Circular Motion from Sine and Cosine Curves
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Thank you to Kristie Webb for transcribing the English subtitles of this video.
0:00 Intro
0:07 Mechanical wave definition and demonstrations
2:19 Did the medium move from one place to another?
3:12 A wave is energy moving through a medium
4:27 Demonstrating and defining a transverse wave
5:26 Demonstrating and defining a longitudinal wave
Next Video: Understanding Longitudinal and Transverse Waves, Wavelength, and Period using Graphs
Multilingual? Please help translate Flipping Physics videos!
Previous Video:
Creating Circular Motion from Sine and Cosine Curves
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Thank you to Kristie Webb for transcribing the English subtitles of this video.
GCSE Physics - Intro to Waves - Longitudinal and Transverse Waves #61
Introduction to Waves
Introduction to waves | Mechanical waves and sound | Physics | Khan Academy
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