Все публикации

Induced Forces on Current Carrying Loops

Motional emf via Faraday's Law

Buoyant Force Demonstrated: Three Objects in Water

Motional emf via Newton's Second Law

Maxwell's Equations

Electromagnetic Induction

Gauss's Law for Magnetism

(New) AP Physics 1 - Unit 3 Review - Work, Energy, and Power - Exam Prep

Buoyant Force Explained: Why Objects Float

What does Flipping Physics have for YOU?

(New) AP Physics 1 - Unit 2a Review - Newton's Laws and Forces - Exam Prep

Newton's Third Law: Forces and Interactions

(New) AP Physics 1 - Unit 1 Review - Kinematics - Exam Prep

End of Summer Teaching Nightmares

A little Update

Buoyant Force Explained: Objects Floating on Fluids!

Buoyant Force in Action: Weight of Displaced Water!

Force, Mass, and Acceleration: The Fundamental Connection

The End of My Analog Teaching Career

Buoyant Force Calculation: A Submerged Wood Cylinder

Understanding Inertia: A Quick Physics Explanation

Best of Luck on the AP Physics Exams!!!

Buoyant Force Explained: Submerged Objects in Fluids

Eclipsing the Sun (with Solar Panels)