How I improved our Chicken Pond

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We had an old pond that needed to be updated to fit the aesthetics of our backyard. I designed what I wanted and began to work on a new pond for our chickens that would last longer and look better. You will see the tips and tricks I learned along the way in making this for my video. Most of the items I had were items I already had lying around from old projects.

The only thing I bought for this pond was the liner that I had found on Amazon. This one was about $35 for a 7' X 10' liner. Decide the size you need and make adjustments so the liner that will give you a 2 feet to 3 feet allowance around the edges. I recommend spending a little money on the liner so it will last for some years. Any of the other items can be found at a local rock or landscape company that carries landscape items.

The new pond is great and we love listening to it while we sit on the back patio. Even without chickens, it is a nice addition to our little urban farm.

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