Studio One 6 VS Cubase 12 Pro - 30 Day Challenge - Failed After A Week

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Reaper for me. Hands down the most powerful DAW I've ever used, so insanely flexible and customizable and there are of community made scripts and JSFX plugins, not even in the same league of other DAWs.


Man sorry to hear you had a bad experience. To me CUBASE works inanely well and I love all the features. I’ll never stop using cubase. I’ve used others and to me it’s the superior DAW


Excellent video. You have a new subscriber. I tried so many DAWs. Each has their issues. Started in FL Studio about 15 years ago making trance music. Tried Cubase, ProTools, BitWig. I found Studio One in 2010 and I haven't looked back. I think the most important thing to remember is to find the DAW that works for you and learn the ins and outs. I have been with it for 13 years and I still am learning things each session. Keep up the great work Josh.


Studio one needs these two amazing feature:
1- Drag view intto track and piano roll editor (like FL Studio and Cubase)
2- Adjust grid time snapping just in 1 option (Studio one is too messy with this feature, u need to change two change two options to do this affff)


Studio One Pro 6 is Awesome !

I'm looking forward to what Studio One Pro 7 will bring. Hopefully Dolby-Atmos Mix Support, and a lot of new fantastic features.



Welcome to Studio One. You won’t regret it. All DAW does the same thing. It just that Studio One for me helps to do whatever comes to my mind with no stress.
Waiting for your feedback with this new experience with Studio One.


Cubase is amazing.10 years with Cubase. All the plugins you mentioned load well on Cubase


I've been recording for over 20 years on multiple systems (mac and windows) using different sound cards/interfaces ranging from $99 to $800+ and using different DAWs from Cakewalk to Reason to Cubase and now Studio One. My biggest advice for compatibility is to do research on what versions of whatever OS you're using has the best compatibility. If you, by pure magic and random chance, get your hardware and software to work without big issues, DO NOT UPDATE ANYTHING! OS updates and bad drivers are the main reason for incompatibility. We are programmed to always update everything but that is not always the best way to go.


Empecé con fl studio 4 hace muchos años, llegue hasta la versión 20, y la verdad me la pasaba genial pero había cosas que no me gustaban, o que de verdad me quedaban cortas en FL, me cambié a ableton en su versión 10, me gustó muchísimo su flujo de trabajo 😅, me sentí cómodo después de “forzarme” a usarlo durante 2 semanas seguidas (aun lo recuerdo)
Para acostumbrarme a su “workflow” ahora casi en la versión 12 decidí abandonarlo por que ya cada que lo abría me sentía abrumado de ver la cara tan simple de ableton y hasta me afectó en mi manera de trabajar tanto que me aburría.
Ahora recientemente tome el periodo de prueba en Splice de Cubase 13 y … OMG, en un solo día me acostumbre a trabajarlo, a su flujo de trabajo, la interfaz (eso fue lo que más me gustó), no dude en comprarlo y hacerlo mi daw para trabajar. Si es cierto que hecho de menos ciertas cosas como las “carpetas enrutadas” de ableton . Pero la verdad con lo que me ofrece Cubase, ni lo siento. Yo soy feliz con cubase.
Pd. Trabaje unos meses con el studio one 5 y me sentí cómodo pero como que aún le faltaban cosas. Tal vez por eso no me cambie a studio one, pero Cubase si lo tiene y bueno lo demás es historia.


Sorry for your trouble, never had any of that kind. I couldn't care less for any other DAW than Cubase.


From now on studio one for me. No more fl studio and cubase. I'm absolutely awesome amazed how good it is


S1 needs to add the feature to replace the plugin on the spot cuz we literally have to remove and then add.


Why i can’t work in cubase anymore after trying studio one:
- no gapless audio.😢
- to many windows
- not stable
- no folder bus tracks
- to many click’s to do things
- no mono to stereo track
- mediabay preview delay
- CPU heavy
- no vertical zoom with mouse wheel
- supports only vst3 64bit plugins in native m1 version
- macros like s1
- saving track presets like s1(with folder, inserts, sends, buses everything…)😮


After using both Cubase and S1 for quite some time, S1 is an easier, cleaner, but less feature rich DAW. I still prefer Ableton/Bitwig tho for songwriting.


I use several DAWs and feel for you on this experience. For me the plugin GUI weirdness in Cubase has never happened. I dislike another aspect of their VST user sorting - I'm used to FL Studio where I can easily create my own hierarchies in Windows Explorer as opposed to Cubase's VST system, which is hard to drag and drop in for some reason. The external hard drive issue is possibly down to the difference between all DAWs and how they handle plugin folders with some taken Windows issues into account better than others. Cubase is the creator of VST and are sticklers for a lot of weird stuff when it comes to plugins, and the advent of large external drives is new on that timeline. Studio One was much better informed since they came around later. In my experience some DAWs offer more flexibility but it comes at a price. Ableton, I think, allows just one single custom folder. FL Studio basically allows as many plugin folders as one needs, and FL Studio isn't running scans on every session. With FL Studio's fast scan, you can run it in 60 seconds or so even if you have a thousand plugins. It knows how to see where the new ones are. But if I understood that issue you had, then it's important to let people know that, more significantly this inability to locate a previous folder, and the drive renaming issue it comes from, is mainly not really the fault of DAW programmers, although some have taken Windows design flaws into account better than others. it's a Windows poor design choice that has been true for as long as external drives have been available. How I avoid it (if it's the error I think you're referring to) is I re-letter all my external drives to the end of the alphabet - Z, Y, X, W, V etc. If I didn't do that and one of my drives decided to not stay powered on during Windows startup (they do that occasionally without even being unplugged) the missing drive would lose it's letter and the other drives would be re-lettered. Trust giant O/S firms at your peril.


Josh, Studio One still lack scripting .. Macros / templates isn't enough - So, lets say that you want to streamline your workflow getting the exact same e.g drum settings as the track you did earlier to have the "same " drummer settings in the next track, or even the entire "band" .. S1 cannot do this (e.g., Ableton Live with Max for Live, or REAPER with its scripting capabilities), you'll have to do complicated macro's for this. Lets say you have an AI Agent to help you setup your "band" in a new track .. you could have live band, cosy band and even production band just by telling your agent AI to start up a "band" .. I know you have templates etc. but thats not flexible and you'll end up having 600 different templates instead of having the option to "tell" it to setup your band. What S1 lack is the scripting option - Soon, or even today you have the ability to do a lot using AI agents .. Next month S1 would be lost in the jungle - So, tell them about this 🙂


I have used Cubase for years and it does have its painful and frustrating moments that will make you cuss like a drunk sailor. Recently it got so bad because steingberg does not support 13th Gen Intel processors so I switched to Pro Tools and I am so much happier. Of course Pro Tools has its quirks like any DAW but I have seen the light of why it is the industry standard. I still use Cubase for composition, midi and Vst work because the are king on that front. Like you said Vari Audio Warp, Chord Pads/Track is straight beast mode. Right now no DAW matches Cubase in the realm of midi hence I suppose that is why top tier Composers and Multimedia Creators use it heavily. That hard drive issue is something I never expirenced and I use externals all the time with cubase. The plugin display issue, that is a Windows issue so make sure you go into preferences menu in Cubase and either check or uncheck HDPI in the display section. You will have to play around with the scaling options in that menu to the plugins to display properly.


Coming from a pro tools, cubase and FL studio background years ago ..., I have to say I love studio one (currently I have studio one 5) I love the workflow, I can focus on my creativity pretty easy and quickly, Is it perfect? No ..I'm not sure if there is a perfect daw though.... But so far I just feel like it's a good combination of all the daws I used to use back in the day ... Even their stock plugins/instruments are pretty good, Even though I have a few top notch third party VST plugins, I could still get by with doing some pretty decent work with studio ones stock plugins


Regarding the hard drive from what i seen is cubase has a disk streaming option thats checked in the settings by default. A lot of programs when you import they just go into ram. When you export the files get saved back to disk. That could be why you had the uninterrupted behavior when you took out the USB drive by accident.


I am also going to make the switch to Studio one
I never had no problems with cubase 11 pro, but in 12 only problems on a new system I9 32 ram memory 64 bit GT 730 ect
Always crashing, all drivers have been updated, what has changed in 12, and why
The technical help send me Invariably into the dark forest,
So I'm sadly parting ways with Cubase 🥺
