The EXTREMELY Tragic Lore of Mega Man X

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Mega Man really made a name for himself during the 80s, so of course, Capcom had to make a spin-off: Mega Man X. However, this project ended up becoming way bigger than anyone anticipated and completely elevated the story told in the classic era. So today, we continue my Mega Man HGH series with the surprisingly TRAGIC lore of Mega Man X.

📖Video Chapters
00:00 - Intro
01:00 - Chapter 1: Mega Man Goes Hardcore
05:49 - Chapter 2: The Rise of the Reploids
12:30 - Chapter 3: The Maverick Wars
34:40 - Chapter 4: Mega Man Goes XTREME
44:26 - Chapter 5: The Fall of Society
01:09:26 - Chapter 6: The New Generation

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X:
- Source: @worldoflongplays
- Played by Tsunao

Mega Man Xtreme 1 & Mega Man Xtreme 2:
- Source: @worldoflongplays
- Played by Tarosan

Mega Man X:
- Source: @worldoflongplays
- Played by KAGE-008

Mega Man X2:
- Source: @worldoflongplays
- Played by Tarosan

Mega Man X3:
- Source: @worldoflongplays
- Played by Tsunao

Mega Man X4:
- Source: @worldoflongplays
- Played by Tarosan

Mega Man X5:
- Source: @worldoflongplays
- Played by Tarosan

Mega Man X7 & Mega Man X8
- Source: @AbdallahKids

Sequelitis - Mega Man Classic vs. Mega Man X by @egoraptor

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Produced and Written by The Black Mastadonte


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Thanks so much for watching, fam! Don't forget to drop a like if you enjoyed the video and check out my latest video

EDIT: I did a disservice in crediting the voice of X. His name is Mark GATHA not Mark Gartha. And it's Dr. Mark Gatha as he trained to be a orthopaedic surgeon. The more you know. Also, to clear up any confusion, X is NOT a reploid. He doesn't really have a label since he was created before them.


Dr Caine: I'm going to mass replicate free will
Everyone else: what are your credentials for doing that?
Dr Caine: I work with plants


The maverick virus causing Zero's personality to swap makes sense to me. I'm guessing the idea of the Maverick virus is to make robots deviate from their original programming, hence whh most of the peaceful robots become violent. But Zero's original programming is to be a bloodthirsty killing machine so when the virus alters him from that programming he becomes peaceful. It's kinda clever.


Yup that's canon. Zero's evil settings were at 9999, so it rolled over to 0000


Zero wasn't sick of rescuing X, he was commenting on the irony that he, Zero, was the one to get himself wrecked in a selfless act despite always fearing that would happen to X.


X: "Hang in there buddy"
Zero: "X... I'm aways telling you ..."
(Screams in Piccolo's voice)


the Maverick Virus apparently rewriting Zero from Evil to Good; like Wily programmed it as some Numerical Value that could roll over, is the funniest lore detail.


I replayed Mega Man X5 recently, and I only then just realized how grim that game got. If you fail to destroy Eurasia, you’ve got the Earth virtually becoming extinct, McWhalen grieving the death of the sea, and X’s best friend becoming Maverick (symbolic death), sacrificing himself in a last moment of clarity (literal death) and X’s memories of him being deleted forever (ultimate death).


If anything tragic about X series. that is THERE'S NO X9 FOR 20 YEARS.


X's story in the ending of the first Megaman Zero game was heartbreaking.

Imagine fighting for hundred years(or more) alone. Losing your friends and comrades one by one. Till all the fighting lost it's meaning to you.


The reason General needed a superweapon is simple. If you're going to build your own country, you need a deterrent. It doesn't matter how peaceful your intentions are, no one will respect your autonomy if you aren't able to hurt them. The superweapon is there so that if anyone decides to fuck with them, they can tell them to back off.


So basically Dr. Cain doomed humanity by replicating X and creating Reploids without doing diagnostic and morality tests the same way that Light did for X.


One of the craziest things about Mega Man lore is knowing humanity really survived all the bullshit the wars put Earth thru only for em to die on the moon when they finally leave lmao like wtf kinda luck is that??? 😭


It's increasingly implied Light capsules aren't really memos and more like an AI that has his personality making the armors on the spot. At first it's just things that you could suspend your disbelief for, like how Light took *30 years* to make X after his hair had grayed or said capsules appearing in places like active vehicles.

Then X4 has him referring to the war, when it was made clear that Reploids were Cain's thing. In X5 he calls Alia by name.

By X6 the capsule abandons all pretenses of being a message by having a full conversation with Zero.


As a huge Megaman X fan since childhood who never got to experience the complete story of the games, this brings me much needed closure. Always loved the lore, music, and characters to death, Zero being the GOAT. Amazing video, you got a new sub bro


I'm glad I found your channel and glad there's still people that do deep dive lore drops on classics so people who are intrigued but never played can appreciate these games too.


Mark Gartha will forever be X to me. He nailed his disdain for violence and his righteous fury.


"Hey kids, wanna play a spinoff of Megaman where all your favorite characters are already dead?"


It’s almost like Vile inherited Bass’s hatred for Mega Man and anything involving Mega Man.

They even share Purple as their color.


I grew up playing ALL the Megaman games since the first one. As an older gamer, I did not expect to get a new Mega Man content on youtube.

Not only is this new content, but it is so high quality, funny, and I can see it was made with alot og passion! I can truly see you enjoy the game and the lore!

Thank you so much for making such a wonderful video that sparkled my memories!
