GROSS: Sam Harris Gives Softball Interview To 'Bell Curve' Author

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Majority Report Contributor Michael Brooks is hosting the show for Sam Seder today. In this clip, Michael discusses Sam Harris, new atheists, and

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Haven't you learned yet? You don't criticize the Lord Sam Harris, Reason be Upon Him..


I spent 3 years teaching English in Japanese high schools. I can categorically tell you that Asians are not inherently smarter or more hard working than whites, blacks or hispanics. My students were decidedly mediocre, lazy, normal teenagers. Some of them dropped out of school and got jobs at gas stations and convenience stores. Had some bright kids too. Seemed pretty much identical to my own high school experience, except none of the kids tried drugs, or alcohol. Some of them smoked cigarettes though.


My grandma's brother actually wrote his dissortation about IQ tests and their reliability all the way back in the 70s. He compared different groups of high school students, one group that trained for the test, another that didn't. He found that it is very much possible to train for IQ tests, meaning the quality of your education - among many other things - has a big impact on intelligence as we measure it.


Back in 1994, the estimable Adolph Reed destroyed "The Bell Curve" in a review in The Nation:

Review of The Bell Curve, by Charles Murray and Richard J. Herrnstein

November 28, 1994

Charles Murray first slithered into American public life a decade ago, when he published Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950–1980, in which he argued that the cause of poverty among black Americans is the very effort to alleviate poverty through social provision. He proposed, appropriately for a book bearing a 1984 publication date, that the poor would be best helped by the elimination of all social support; a regime of tough love would wean them from debilitating dependency, on pain of extermination.

Murray has returned to the public stage now with publication of The Bell Curve, the product of a diabolical collaboration with Richard Herrnstein, the late Harvard psychologist known outside the academy for a more than twenty-year crusade to justify inequality by attributing it to innate, and therefore supposedly ineradicable, differences in intelligence....


This is the interview that turned me off from him...


"Whatever the difference in average IQ is across groups, you know nothing about an individual's intelligence on the basis of his or her skin color. That is just a fact. There is much more variance among individuals in any racial group than there is between groups. So, besides being unethical and politically imprudent, it is totally irrational to treat people as anything other than individuals." Sam Harris, on the question of race and IQ. That is not racism. What is gross is this idiotic and slanderous video.


Claims to be interested in "grappling with the issues."

Proceeds with nothing but personal attacks and baseless assertions.


- directly from the podcast; please make sure to read full comment -

Sam Harris: “The differences between groups are not so large that there isn't a substantial overlap between them for every trait we care about Given that the variance between individuals will be much higher than than the variance between groups (again for everything that we care about but especially for what we’re talking now about: intelligence) it would actually be irrational to read much into group differences.

Murray: “Exactly.”

Sam Harris: “I learn nothing about a person’s intelligence simply by being told that he’s black or white or Asian. You still need to treat people as individuals and you make it absolutely clear in your book. Given the overlap in these bell curves, there will be many, many blacks who are far more intelligent than most whites. Again, it all comes back down to honestly evaluating individuals”

Murray: “I emphatically agree with everything you said.”


"You know nothing about a person's intelligence on the bases of his or her skin colour. That is just a fact. There is much more variance among individuals in any racial group than it is between groups."
- Sam Harris


10 minutes in to this clip I'm wondering "what about Sam Harris and the softball interview?", only to find out at the very end that he never listened to the interview. Weird title for this clip then.


I used to listen to Sam Harris' podcasts each week, but after the two separate podcasts where he had Charles Murray and Jocko Willink on as guests, I stopped. Sam Harris is an Islamophobic racist. Full stop. He claims to be a Humanist like myself, but he has no problem whatsoever allowing human suffering to continue just as long as it isn't happening to either him or his white family.

He no longer has a place at the table of discussion on issues regarding race or religion, and perhaps not even on a host of other issues either. You can't claim to be a Humanist yet fanboy over state-sanctioned terrorism via the Navy SEALS, or believe in racist research that posits that some races of people should just give up and start mowing the lawns of their genetically superior white masters.


Anyone who listened to the podcast knows that both of them stated, clearly, multiple times that there is a greater degree of variance of IQ scores WITHIN "races" than there is BETWEEN "races", to the point that knowing a given person's "race" gives you ZERO information about what that person's IQ might be. I'm paraphrasing that from memory, but that's more or less a direct quote from both of them.

Don't judge a book by its cover.


Reading through the comments and, as expected, Sam Harris has been 'misunderstood'… again.
Bruh, if you're still getting misunderstood after years of trying to communicate your ideas, maybe look into doing something else.


Was really looking forward to some clips from the podcast and Mike's rebuttals. Instead, got a lot of general commentary and then an admission that Mike hadn't even listened to the damn thing. Weak sauce from the usually strong MR. (If nothing else, change the segment title.)


Harris-fans in the comment section keep saying that he's misunderstood, that he agrees with everyone, appearently no matter the issue. I think it's because you've been hoodwinked by Harris' debate style.
He often states a controversial opinion (right or wrong), his opponent then criticizes his statement, after which he says (with crocodile tears running down his cheeks) that he's been misunderstood and he actually holds basically the same opinion as his opponent. He's pulled this trick so many times that you could basically say he holds any opinion.
Face it Harris-fans, you either like him because he supports your dumb agenda OR because you like his style and demeanor and have been fooled into thinking he isn't a supremely intellectually dishonest pseudo-intellectual that makes cash off of bigotry and intellectual lazy people.


This guy didnt even listen to the podcast, let alone read the bell curve. What a joke.


Judging by the like to dislike ratio, either Harris fanboys are fading or they weren't used to this kind of criticism a year ago


This sounds a great deal like the Eugenics movement before WWII?


For both Sam Seder fans, Sam Harris fans or neither/both:
I'd recommend the series "Hjernevask" (Brainwashed in norwegian) where a norwegian sociologist/comedian investigate the topic of race (and more) from different perspectives. He starts out interviewing norwegian gender scientists and sociologist and in the end also meet Steven Pinker and Charles Murray.

You can find it here on YouTube, with english subtitles, it was recorded in 2010 and episode 6 is the episode where they discuss race. The program is for about 40minutes, its fun and a real eye-opener.


I really wish someone with the platform and comedic chops/intelligence would do a spoof on Joe Rogan. That dude is asking for it big time.