Sam Harris Has Total Twitter Meltdown After Being Called Out

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In this Majority Report clip, Sam Seder touches on Sam Harris' recent Twitter meltdowns.

More: ---Harris is touting a New York Times op-ed by David Reich arguing that “it is simply no longer possible to ignore average genetic differences among ‘races.’” Reich is careful in his claims about what is known as of yet. He says that “if scientists can be confident of anything, it is that whatever we currently believe about the genetic nature of differences among populations is most likely wrong” — a level of humility often absent in this discussion. He goes on to slam researchers who, discussing race and intelligence, claim “they know what those differences are and that they correspond to racist stereotypes.” I do not find this column as troubling as Harris seems to think I will.

The background to Harris’s shot at me is that last year, Harris had Charles Murray on his podcast. Murray is a popular conservative intellectual best known for co-writing The Bell Curve, which posited, in a controversial section, a genetic basis for the observed difference between black and white IQs.---
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Oh, c' us the tweets, man.


You guys are taking cheap shots. Didn’t even show the tweets, just insulted Harris. I can’t respect this hatchet job.


Every time you criticise Harris it is always a critique of how he has presented his argument. I have never seen you disagree with the substance of the argument.


I regularly check out Sam Seder to disrupt any echo chambers I might fall into, but this dude ABSOLUTELY has an obsession with Sam Harris. I bet if you could compare how many times each of them referred to the other it would be embarrassing for Sam Seder. Have some self awareness.


It's odd. It seems to obtain the most popularity one should say something fundamentally and factually incorrect and then get called out for it passionately. Is that an actual right-wing tactic? To say something wrong, get corrected by a lib, play victim, profit?
Not saying Harris is right wing; he is anti-Trump, for protecting the environment, for making it easier for someone to obtain an education etc, but his audience is and eats that shit up.


Lmao I really don't get the Harris hate on this show. It comes across as kinda lame.


Someone misrepresents you and your work and you're expected to remain cool and not post about it? I'll remember this next time I see someone saying Sam Seder believes in things he says he doesn't...


If you google the definition of petty, it links you to this video.


I checked his twitter and didn't see any meltdown. Am I missing something?


I guess I shouldn’t be shocked people still listen to Harris


Sam Harris is probably the most misunderstood public intellectual in America right now. Neither his critics nor his fans really understand him. It's telling that many of Harris' fans were shocked to find out that he despises Donald Trump. If that's something that shocks you then you haven't really been listening to what Harris has been trying to tell you. Same goes for Harris' critics. His critics are desperately trying to turn Harris into some kind of neo-con apologist and boogeyman, which is just silly. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people, both on the Left and on the Right, both opponents and votaries, are knuckleheaded ideologues who are more concerned with scoring rhetorical wins than actually have a genuine adult dialogue.


I think your definition of "total" and "meltdown" differs from both mine and the dictionary's.


What is the point of this video segment except to be clickbait racking up views? There was absolutely nothing of substance here except for adults to act like children in a "neah neah nee neah neah" style commentary. I mean, I get you guys don't like Harris, but my god, is this what you've stooped to?


How about you like um. . . show us tweets. . . and maybe even talk about them?


I've yet to see anyone except our president have a "total Twitter meltdown".


how anyone could read the back and forth between sam harris and ezra klein via email and not come to the conclusion that harris is just a complete joke is beyond me. just read the one at the very end where harris calls klein a "suicide bomber" of some sort... how could anyone take that guy seriously? what the fuck is going on?


CNN: “But Russia!!”
FOX: “But Hillary!!”
TMR: “But Sam Harris!!!”


Great substantive video on what was wrong with Harris' comments... ohh wait.


Extraordinary, substantive content as usual. These guys are definitely on the same level as Sam Harris..not hacks at all..


keep building straw men of Sam Harris's position, you are loosing credibility by the second
