🛑STOP🛑 Buying Bad RAM! Best Ram for PC Gaming 2022 | DDR4 vs DDR5 Gaming

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Buying the Best RAM for Gaming 2022 is hard! This PC memory buying guide will help you avoid mistakes and get the Best memory for gaming 2022 for your next PC Build or PC Upgrade. RAM Explained including DDR4 vs DDR5. 🔻Click Show More For Links🔻

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With GPU Prices going down to MSRP, it's a great time for the best gaming PC build 2022 or upgrading a gaming PC. But what is the Best RAM for Gaming 2022? In this video, we review everything you need to know about buying the best RAM for PC Gaming 2022, including how much RAM do you need for gaming, 8gb ram vs 16gb ram, 8gb vs 16gb ram, 16gb vs 32gb ram gaming, 32gb ram vs 16gb ram gaming, DDR4 vs DDR5 gaming, XMP vs DOCP, how to enable XMP, how to change ram speed in bios, RAM speed comparison 3200 CL16 vs 3600 CL16 vs 4000 CL16, and more. Getting the wrong RAM is one of the most common PC build mistakes and PC build fails, and even something simple like not knowing how much ram do I need for gaming or 2 sticks ram vs 1 stick can cost you gaming FPS. And if you want to bring some bling, we go over the best rgb ram and make specific product recommendations.

If you are looking for the best Gaming PC Build 2022 or even just the best PC Build 2022, this video will teach you how to build the best gaming pc in 2022 by taking the first step of getting the best RAM for gaming 2022. We review the best memory for Ryzen, best memory for i5 12400, and best RAM for Ryzen, best RAM for i5 12400.

#PCGaming #GamingPC #pcbuild #PCBuilder

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0:00 STOP Buying Bad RAM!
0:48 What is DDR RAM?
1:10 How RAM Speed ACTUALLY Works
1:59 How CAS Latency ACTUALLY Works
2:34 Most Common Speeds To Consider
2:54 What is XMP vs DOCP and Memory Overclocking?
3:34 How To Enable XMP / Change RAM Speed in Bios
4:34 Always Get Dual Channel RAM!
5:14 DDR4 vs DDR5 What is It?
6:06 DDR4 vs DDR5 Gaming Performance
6:34 How Fast RAM Do You Need for Gaming?
7:53 Don't Buy RAM Faster Than This!
8:43 How Much RAM Do I Need For Gaming?
9:31 What is Dual Rank RAM?
10:12 How To Get Dual Rank RAM
11:23 Is Dual Rank Worth It?
11:48 Intel Users BE AWARE of This!
12:13 Best Budget RAM for Mainstream Gamers
13:14 Best RGB RAM on a Budget
13:34 Best RAM for High End Gamers
14:26 Best RGB RAM for High End Gamers
14:38 STOP BUYING This Ram Speed/Latency
15:29 Fastest RAM for EXTREME Gamers
16:37 Fastest RGB RAM for Extreme Gamers
17:19 What Does the CAT Think?
17:32 Best GPU For Gaming 2022
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What memory are you looking to buy? Tell your story in a new comment below!


This is exactly what I needed. No other channel offers as comprehensive and educational a guide as this. Thank you, Mr Bear!


man i wish this channel was a thing back 2016-2017 when i build my first rig, would have made drastically different choices on parts. now that im here now overhauling my whole rig. all i gotta say is i love how explicit you are with explaining things. cheers mate.


One consideration I didn't hear, or may have missed, is physical size. My CPU cooler does not leave a lot of room for fancy RAM with all the heat spreaders that look like trees with branches sticking out, or a samurai helmet. I don’t know how people manage to fit that stuff.
For my current system, I went with 32GB Corsair Vengeance LP 3200 CL16 because I knew it would fit. Also knew it would run without issues because my old system also used a similar Corsair LP product and never had any RAM stability issues.


This is one of the best RAM break down and recommendations I've seen on YouTube or anywhere else. Jason, you're really knocked this one way Way WAY out of the park!!! Good job.


Great contents as always. It sure helps to explain the terminology of all the DRAM and what the gamers need to know. It will be great to have a bit more information for the Laptop gamers because those SODIMM are definitely different from the desktop users.
But like you said, DRAM importance are under the GPU, CPU and even possibly motherboard in terms of gaming performance.


Good review. Only thing i miss is that faster ram not really improve average fps but specially the low fps. Making games feel smoother. I upgraded 3000mhz cl16 to 3600mhz cl 16 and the difference is noticeable and worth it for me. About 5 to 10% improved low fps. Fps drops to 60 fps now stay above 70. I sold my old ram kit so it only costed me 20$


Great video, very informative!

I just dropped 32 GB of 3600 CL16 G.SKILL Trident Neo Z RAM in my gaming rig after a near full system upgrade -- while also swapping from an Intel CPU to an Ryzen -- and I'm beyond pleased with the results. I went with the 32 GB of RAM due to I'm a sim racer, and use a lot of extra peripherals and VR headset, while also future proofing my system... hopefully.


For most budgets I just throw a basic Silicon Power XPOWER Turbine 3200 CL16 kit in there. They’re really cheap and have respectable performance. That’s all most midrange buyers really need.


Thank you for making this video. It's been a while since I've seen anyone make a good RAM roundup. Great points regarding considerations for a gaming PC. One thing I do want to point out regarding rigs for Professional content creation. If you're building a PC for these reasons, then stability should the 2nd highest consideration behind capacity on what settings you should use for memory. It doesn't help if you gain a few seconds on your rendering times if the PC is crashing regularly. Even if you game on the same PC, the loss of a few fps is worth getting reliable performance when doing paid (or practicing to get paid) work.


Such a well-made video. Everything about this is perfect. No time wasting, excellent and clear presentation, the very likable personality of the presenter, well researched, completes the mentioned topic, and last but not least, an adorable kitty. Absolute satisfaction.


Built a pc recently with those kingston fury renegade sticks that you showed in your video and I'm still in love with the way they look and preform. 1% lows are better than most benchmarks that I watched, so imo spending the extra money on the 3600mhz cl16 was worth the extra bucks. Finding good looking ram for my all black build was kind of a task lol, but these sticks are nice and I'm thinking of upgrading to 32GB in the near future!


These videos are so good man. I can't tell you how much I have learned over the last year or so about PC parts and PC building that I just didn't obsorb or understand from watching other videos. I've put together 3 killer PCs in the last year, one of which being a very tiny ITX build with the help of a lot of these videos. I appreciate your content!


One thing that confused me during my PC part gathering, I had 2 identical 2x8gb kits that were 3600 CL16 from the same retailer, when I later found a sale page from them with a similar kit with the same specs, brand and all for less than I got my kits, but it was a separate SKU. I researched and found out they had different timings but still CL16.
The kits I had were 16-19-19-39 (Hynix die), and the kit on the sale page was 16-16-16-36 (Samsung die). Naturally, I returned my kits and bought 2 of the kits with the tighter timings for cheaper.


this is the most helpful of channel i’ve come across thank you


Why do I get late 90's late night infomercial vibs from this guy?


Finally got my setup built not long ago and your channel really helped me build confidence on pc building, thank you for the great content!


Because I wanted dual rank, I went for Gskill Trident Z DDR4 3600 CL16, 2×16 Gb. DDR4s were much cheaper than DDR5s and faster so a motherboard Z690 with DDR4 were the way to go.


If you want 4000MHz CL16 memory I recommend the Patriot Viper Steel. They only cost $104 at the moment, $15 less than the Ripjaws, and they're Samsung b-die and come with 16-16-16 timings instead of the Ripjaws' 16-19-19. Heck of a deal in my opinion.


These videos are incredible. As someone with no education or experience in this field, this has made shopping for parts and understanding how to build efficiently super easy to understand. Thank you!
