The Last Thing You Hear

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0:00 - intro
0:42 - sonar
1:07 - active sonar
1:40 - what are decibels
2:57 - sonar decibels
3:45 - how sonar works
4:19 - most powerful sonar
5:36 - sonar destructive power
7:18 - real stories
8:14 - sonars are op
8:58 - movies fake sonars
9:37 - real sonar sound
9:51 - sum it up
10:13 - dad joke

#mrslav #loud #sound
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As a sonar technician it amazes me how accurate this video was, I never saw such a detailed video that show the little facts about a sonar, from how it works, types of emissions, main structure and even how different sonars have different emission sounds, amazing video dude keep up the good work.


"Still not as loud as a sneezing father"
I'm telling you father sneeze litterally can destroy an entire universe if they go 100%


That's wild... never thought of it like that. I've been swimming in the BVI, as a child and one time I jumped into the water and heard the most peculiar sound of my life. It was painful, it was incredibly high pitched. I stopped swimming and remarked about it to my parents. I asked them to jump in and hear it but they didn't want to get wet at that moment. So I did. The sound was still there, loud as ever. The next day... It was gone! That boat must have been miles and miles and leagues away. I'll never forget it but I just filed it under "weird stuff" and now, my friend, I think you've helped to solve this childhood mystery of mine!
Thank you!


The Canadian Navy is doing an underwater demo ex just down the coast from me this week, and besides using bubble curtains to absorb the sound of the explosions the Navy operation is overseen by an independent whale spotter who will shut everything down if whales or other large creatures are seen in the vicinity. It's nice to know these issues are being noticed.


for curious individuals, you do NOT have to be worried about sonar while diving, unless youre out in the middle of the ocean or something VERY far off the shore. there are extremely strict limitations on the distance from any shoreline that a ship or boat is allowed to active ping.... that being said, iirc, the fathometer stays active in more situations, so if you manage to be directly under a ship or boat for some reason, you might get superpowers


160 km and it can be still heard, it's incredible


Damn never thought I’d be afraid of something so infinitely rare


When I was working on the USS Theodore Roosevelt used to hear a few different pings, all similar to the SQS-26 played here. You could hear it all the way in up to deck 1, hangar bay level, but only inside compartments. The deeper into the ship you went, the louder it was. Was told its the destroyers pinging off the carrier for various reasons, including discouraging unfriendly subs and trying to find our sub just in case they weren't being stealthy enough. The carrier rarely activates active sonar because they dont want to be pinpointed, so the destroyers in the surronding 100 sq miles do the seeing for it


Keep in mind 196 decibels is the maximum possible sound in air (since the peaks would have 2xatm and troughs would have 0 pressure). In water it can go way higher, but 235 dB is just insane


I served on navy ships capable of sonar and even inside the ship you can hear the sonar noise at a decent loudness. It's scary to think divers hearing it.


That recording of actual sonar ping helped me further realize just how scary naval work can be, especially in the military. Not only is the sound itself unnerving, but imagining hearing that in a pressurized tube underwater knowing that it might be an enemy about to blow the walls around you in…


I have to admit that I really enjoyed your video. I’m retired NAVY but worked with a specialized helicopter unit and didn’t see much ship time. I did hunt subs from the helicopter with sonar both active and passive bouts so I enjoyed ur professional clarification on sonar for me. Thank you - well done and keep up the good work. Now I’m looking forward to more.


I remember hearing an active sonar ping while swimming around the reefs in Maui. It sounded so mysterious and kind of haunting. Definitely not like the “ping” in the movies, but more like a sweeping series of computerized beeps


Audio Engineer here, just wanna give massive props to the amount of research you did on the technicalities of sound, it’s structure, and how it travels. For a video being about a sound that kills you, you did incredible with every aspect of information you provided.


I really love the creepy and yet educational vibes of your videos. It's really unique!


I really like the way you emphasize the seriousness of these situations. "Let me say that again" So we understand just how serious it is. Wild stuff


This, along with death by pressure difference, is one of the things it scares me the most when it comes to divers.


As a 26CX technician, I have to say that this is a pretty good video. As a side note, I had divers working on my ship one night and a ship on the next pier went active. The divers were extremely unhappy.


10:14 as a Slav myself, I can confirm that a fathers sneeze can do more physical damage than a sonar


Thumbnail: This sounds melts brains

5.7M people: Hmm interesting
