PROOF? - Alien Signal - Prof Simon

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You asked for PROOF. Here it is. A peer review NATURE paper on the detection of alien radio signals but even they have doubt its a real signal. lets see.

On 2019 April 29, the Breakthrough Listen SETI project observed Proxima Centauri with the Parkes ‘Murriyang’ radio telescope. These data contained a narrowband signal with characteristics broadly consistent with a techno signature near 982 MHz (‘blc1’)
The signal appears to have originated from the direction of Proxima Centauri. It has been given the name Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1 (BLC1). As of December 2020, the researchers were still working to rule out terrestrial interference. One researcher called it "on par" with the Wow! signal.

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Comments live again after my dinner date:  

this a statement from Breakthrough Listen... In December 2020, it was reported that in April and May 2019, a narrowband signal at 982.002 MHz was intercepted that showed shifts in its frequency consistent with the movement of a planet. No modulation was detected.[39] The signal appears to have originated from the direction of Proxima Centauri. It has been given the name Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1 (BLC1). As of December 2020, the researchers were still working to rule out terrestrial interference, which they considered the most likely cause. One researcher called it "on par" with the Wow! signal.


Professor Simon is an example of what is right about YouTube.


Drinking my coffee and listening to Prof. Simon is wonderful for the mind and well-being


On the SETI website, in the summary regarding BLC1, they say 'Ultimately the team determined that the candidate signal appears to be interference from human technology/


I've just subscribed Simon. Thank you for your excellent work. We need your plain and direct delivery of the facts to clarify the complex science...especially now! Please keep us all up to date on this matter.


The tested shirt is just too funny we've all been talking haha.


Your a hero mate your doing the world an incredible service by informing us, extremely exciting hopefully in the next few years more and more will come to light 🎉🎉🎉


"I's got a techno signature for ya'!"

*Begins to boogie on down*


The Nature abstract actually says: ""we find that blc1 is *not an extraterrestrial technosignature, * (my emphasis) but rather an electronically drifting intermodulation product of local, time-varying interferers..." Surely that means it's just a signal from earth's tech?
Is that why no one is bothered? What's the Prof up to?


After doing some research it seems this is a massive red harring I'm afraid :/

From OCT. 26, 2021 article: "Mysterious ‘alien beacon’ was false alarm
Radio signal seemed to originate from the star Proxima Centauri, and provided a helpful drill for future searches."

“And so we had to fall back on the explanation that sometimes drifts can come from malfunctioning electronics or electronics that are heating and cooling, ” Sheikh says. “So it became likely that the signal was stationary relative to this telescope, so somewhere on the surface of the Earth, and was something that was malfunctioning.”

The malfunctioning equipment was likely within a few hundred kilometers of the telescope.


So when people pointed out that the abstract of the paper clearly and directly contradicts what you've claimed in the video, your response is to pause comments, remove the link from the description, and reply to anyone who questions it with a copy-paste 'as of December 2020' answer when the paper is from October 2021? Classy. Were you just hoping nobody would actually bother to read the paper?


Great video Professor can't wait for more.


But that article was 5 years ago and that BLC1 ( Break Through Listen Candidate 1 ) was found that it was some interference from human interactions. about 4 years ago . . Is there more about that or is this just old article re-visited ???


I am an Electrical Engineer in South Africa. The core of the Square Kilometer Array is near Carnavon in the Northern Cape Province of my country. Other telescopes forming part of the array are in other African countries, and others still are in Australia. I can speak with some authority because I know people who work at the SKA or used to work there. I was also part of an unsuccessful bid for providing electrical infrastructure to the expansion of the SKA. They are building it in stages.

Now I'm thinking that there REAL purpose of the SKA is the detection of alien signals, not only providing answers to the questions about the origin of the universe!


2:16 The Aliens are going to be concerned because Lucy's got some "splaning" to do!!


You're blowing our minds here, Prof Simon. Thanks for sharing.
What a time to be alive.
This whole story reminds me of the sci-fi novel "The Sparrow", by Mary Doria Russell. This is a quote from its Wiki page: 'In the year 2019, the SETI program at Arecibo Observatory discovers radio broadcasts of music from the vicinity of Alpha Centauri.'
In the book, what we think we're listening to, doesn't turn out to be the case. It's quite disturbing, in fact.
Let's hope this story doesn't turn out to be the same...


This needs to be on every world news program and on the front of every web site, etc.
It's absolutely despicable that they have been lying to humanity for this long🤦‍♂️


I absolutely love that room your in. Wow your very creative! Its kinda amazing to see that people of your caliber still exist. Good job keeping your audience entertained. Ill be watching.


Great news because this world is struggling.
I would rather do UFOs.


I think we should be building our own grassroots antenna network
