NASA Finds What Could Be A Chilling Signal - Are Aliens Trying To Contact Us?

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NASA Finds What Could Be A Chilling Signal - Are Aliens Trying To Contact Us?

Someone, or something, is calling us from interstellar space… Could it be aliens? Or could it be something far stranger?

A mysterious signal was uncovered recently that surprised researchers, and no one knows what it is.

But the interesting thing they found out is that we've been getting the signal for the last three decades… and no one knew about it until now.

So who, or what is sending that signal, and is it possible we could be contacted by an intergalactic civilization soon, as some scientists believe? And what would happen to humanity if we found out we weren’t alone in the universe?

Get ready to discover this and more.

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I was born with many difficulties in my life. Although I am not fully educated, I have a strong love for science and the universe. Thank you for bringing it to me. Love you


The universe is way to vast for us to be alone!


Space: So big that its highly probable there is life/civilisations everywhere but also too big to detect them.


I've been learning magic tricks. While the rest of you may become alien food, I'm going to be some alien kid's pet!


Just imagine the amount of money which is spent on war Daily, instead being invested into space and what’s out there, imagine what we would find and achieve! Its depressing to say the least!


We are not just haven't met anyone else out there yet! The universe is just too big a place to even comprehend, starting in scale and size, but of the possibilities and different examples of what life might look like to us as humans.


Ezekiel talks about seeing a wheel within a wheel! I have seen a craft similar that had a saucer go thru it! The sound of the wheel was deafening, no one came out of their home(20 homes on a plateau) and the dogs were not barking. I believe the neighborhood residence was put into a sleep while I was still alert next to an aluminum storage container. Each spoke of the wheel had a radioactive green color with a mist around each spoke. They did not touch in the center and I was half a mile away. It was next to an astronaut's home with NASA cars coming around regularly. It was moving towards a water tower as the light went out like someone hit a switch! I imagine if it was invisible, it could sit on the tower without anyone knowing! In the 10 years or so of living around there I saw several other craft and others have talked about seeing different craft as well!


I think that now (October, 2023) might be a good time for aliens to come and switch off all our nukes.


As pointed out here, there is a window of enlightenment. Let's say the aliens use communication methods detectable for us for 1000 years, until they find something better to use, like quantum communication or somethin. The probability for that window within the evolution of a species to coincide with our own, and the distance light have to travel, the probability of finding intelligent life starts to become quite slim.


I can't help but feel like we're making videos like this too soon. People do not yet have any significant information, and all we have is just speculation. It's interesting, but...such videos always come down to one conclusion - "This may be, but it may not be." But channels like Destiny need content, right ? 😅


Signals might arrive either too early or “TOO LATE” for us? We’ll that’s not very optimistic, is it? 😂


Dont know if we'll ever get contacted due to the vastness of space BUT to think Earth is the only planet hosting life would be egotistical. There must be other life out there


Maybe it’s the man you left on the moon to record them leaving the moon for the first time 😂


Humans are far less interesting than we think we are. If I were an alien, I'd keep looking.


Nice thanks for the moderately updated doco. I don't think we should still be thinking about astrophysics in terms of light speed. Due to the possibility of species possibly billions of years more advanced then us, the first thing they would likely accomplish is the first speed barrier of light. We want to traverse this humongous universe soon enough just as we made ships to sail to another continent. We need to move to second gear with our imaginations. ✌️🙂


Just a theory. What if we’re expecting an analog signal. But aliens are broadcasting a digital signal. Perhaps our technology is way to primitive to find what we’re looking for.


Skeptics will always say “why would they want to visit us?” but the real question to ask is “why wouldn’t they want to visit us?”. When scientists confirmed living microbes in the cosmos, the chances of an advanced species became sky high. Therefore if these advanced species had technology beyond what humans currently have…then why not. And if they were hostile we humans would have been annihilated long ago.


The alien craze is strong with this one


In addition to these options, just as amazing an option is if the signals are from our earth's own past or future


Actually, we shouldn't have sent signals freely through the universe without contemplating the potential consequences. The scary part is that it may be too late to figure out the results of our actions before we are prepared to face the consequences.
