Has The #MeToo Movement Destroyed Relationships Between Men And Women?

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The metoo movement contributed to this mess we are in, it didn't actually create it...

It got abused, misused, and manipulated to gaslight and destroy good men who honestly tried to be great dudes in life when interacting with women.

Compound this with feminism, incels, and genuine scummy guys who engage in pump and dump culture or simps and it ALL adds up to the division had between our respective opposite... simps feed female narcissism, pump and dump add to body count and difficulty pair bonding on either side, encourages a very unhealthy "hookup culture" mindset focused on instant gratification, lack of self control, and low levels of ambition/drive for personal improvement.

It magnifies bad character traits nullifies good character development and stifles the efforts of self mastery all for a few moments of fun...

We've ALL contributed to this mess in one form or another, sometimes unintentionally while not seeking for real ways in which we as individuals can focus on ourselves in an effort to overcome our own bad behavior...

Ladies, this means NOT showing your body to the general public and for men to NOT be beholden to the calling of their loins every chance they get...

Weak people create a society of ruin... if we're genuinely wanting to leave a better world for those who come after then we must each seek to be stronger from within...

Sorry for the rant, but your question encompasses far more than just the "metoo" movement alone created in problems.


Honestly, can you blame them? Society has gotten so crazy that they don't know what to do, and sometimes, they may even want to make sure that you are an actual woman.


Ok. Ladies fix it. You make the first move


This is the bed you have made. U kno wut to do.


As a women I could see this coming a mile off. And it only going to get worse because the real problem wasn’t men hitting on women it was the wrong men hitting on them. The unattractive ones. I’ve seen it a dozen times. At work if a woman fancies the man who is flirting then there’s no problem but if a man who she doesn’t fancy behaves the exact same way it becomes harassment. There was definitely need for the MeToo movement some men don’t know how to behave and what was worse was that good men weren’t doing their part and calling out these men and bad behaviour. So there are millions of women with trauma and their voices weren’t being listened to. So something had to change. But with anything that becomes too powerful, it has become a witch hunt to all things male and in the end woman as well as men suffer the consequences. Now woman are out here say there are no real men anymore or that men aren’t flirting anymore. Well, ask and you shall receive. Can’t have it both ways.


She still trying to defend the thing that led to this while complaining that men dont want to make moves. Women like this will never learn.


Way too late to fix it, you've got all us men 'gun-shy', as it were. You wanted it, and you've got it.
Keep up the trend, and your dates will be on Zoom.


You can't have your cake and eat it too. Sorry ladies


Me too lead by a bunch of females that were willing to defile themselves for what they wanted and then portrayed themselves as victims whether they got what they wanted or not. I don't feel bad for any of them, all this is by design to make masculinity toxic and men evil. Nobody made anyone of them do anything. 💯 And I warn my boys about these type of females and I don't blame men for being weary.


I'm screaming like Will Smith in Hancock: "Do I have permission to touch your body?"


I’m so proud to see your growth Gary. Fighting the good fight. Been here since the beginning and here til the end. Support those who have the balls to go against the system


Ain’t gonna catch me lacking out here. These streets are dangerous 👀


She had me until she called it maturity. Men aren't immature for this. They're careful about who they give their trust. She should take some amount of responsibility in reaching the outcome she wants and make it clear that he can trust her. Maybe women should just be blunt and ask what's causing him to hold back. Besides, men prefer such direct communication. We've seen extreme changes in the dating landscape over the last few decades. A successful relationship today will require an extremely different approach


Reproductive strategy has become... more complicated.


It's changed everything. Men are afraid to open up. To share their stories, to get close. Like am I supposed to be the protected or will she dump me for that?
There are still some of us out here that believe in what was. We had, we want it. We hope to find it.


You can't have your cake and eat it too.


I met my wife over the net and talked for a year or so then met in person. We hugged at first then went out shopping and i kept looking at her and she finally looked back as i parked the car and said "You want to kiss me dont you?" I said yes and she laid it on me😂 its best to wait as a gentleman should.


I don't blame these guys at all. All that flirting and heavy petting we did back in the 70's and 80's has now turned into harassment. Now you gotta act like robots and for permission on every move. She is absolutely correct.


Its truly tragic how far down society put itself when it comes to making a s simple gesture as the first move can lead to misleading cases we know and hear today.


Women complain! They got what they wanted. Then complain when men back away and not touch them!! Not even a kiss!!
