What is Health Insurance, and Why Do You Need It?: Health Care Triage #2

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In this episode of Healthcare Triage, Dr. Aaron Carroll gets some surprised questions from "friend of Obama" John Green who is still waiting for his big government giveaway . Unfortunately, insurance still costs money, and it's still really complicated. Aaron explains how the insurance system we have today came to be, and why most of us get coverage through our jobs. He talks about why we need insurance, which basically boils down to the fact that health care is really, really, really expansive. More importantly, he explains why you need to know what premiums, networks, deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance are, and how they have to be considered in the true cost of insurance. Also, ground unicorn horn.

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John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen - Graphics

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Yep. I am soon to be 32 years old, and not one mandatory course in all my years of schooling taught me any of these basic fundamental concepts. I realize one can't expect to be handed life on a silver platter, but it still baffles me that children and young adults aren't taught this stuff before they are sent out into "REAL" life and expected to work full-time and function as proper adults.


Here's an idea: maybe it shouldn't cost 6, 000 dollars to have an ultrasound and a prescription for an antibiotic. How in the world are people justifying 30, 000 dollars for an uncomplicated delivery?!


I heard if you have a baby in the US and don't pay your bill, they just cram the baby right back up in there.


I really appreciate these explanations, although I might have to watch it a couple times to memorize how co-insurance works.


Growing up poor and continuing to be relatively poor I have such a negative outlook in life. After going to therapy for a year and continuing to practice mindfulness I continue to see the world more for how it actually is. Which isn't horrifically horrible and out to get me. Your videos really help me a lot and I want to thank you.


I live in Canada and had bronchiolar pneumonia a couple of years ago. I dropped about 20 pounds over 3 weeks (from not eating because I wasn't hungry). When I went to the doctors I got three x-rays and a host of antibiotics. I didn't pay for the doctor's visit, nor the x-rays which were two floors below my doc. And insurance mostly covered the drugs through my Mom's work. Universal Healthcare still has private insurance and they work incredibly well together in our hybrid system. I don't get why Americans don't want universal healthcare now...


Thank God I'm a Canadian. Here in British Columbia, I paid $65 a month in premiums but now that I'm married I will pay $120 a month for my wife and I. That's it -- no copay, no deductibles, etc. We even get most prescriptions drugs covered by the government health care plan!


This channel is so important, thank you for this video and all of the information. I am 20 and know like no real person adult stuff so this is really.


This is awesome. Clear, concise explanations that don't oversimplify or over-complicate the issue. And it's nice to hear someone discussing this without BSing or screaming bloody murder to make a point, like one might find in a network newsroom or in DC. Keep these coming!


I manage the health care benefits for my company of about 1000 employees, and I find myself explaining these concepts regularly. Thanks for making them easier to understand! I'd love to see you talk about the impacts to employer sponsored plans and the tough decisions employees are facing as a result.


This sounds very different to what we have in Australia. then again all I know is I flash my shiny medicare card and it's all free :P


I thank you for your effort to give educated advice & inform people about health insurance; It's a shame that we lost so many people because they were not gifted the insurance needed.


This series is fantastic. The production value is top notch, and the information is dearly needed, especially right now in the U.S. Thank you, Dr. Aaron!


This was a really useful video! Recently I've been having to deal with my insurance A LOT because I'm in the process of getting my first wheelchair, and just the vocab words alone are really helpful in allowing me to follow along with everything that's happening. Thanks for the info! It's like a crash course for immediately relevant life things.


Thanks so much for doing this channel. I look forward to future episodes. You people with a passion for education make my world go round.


Really great job explaining everything and pacing out the explanations so I could actually process them! I'm looking forward to more!


This is very helpful for getting the gist of how health care works because, as I am a teenager, I have never had anyone take the time to explain it to me so thank you.


This video was very informative for me in regards to health insurance and healthcare. The fun fact that caught me by surprise is how health insurance came about because of competition. Jobs had to find an advantage to get workers, and health insurance benefits were the answer!

People get mad that they're paying health insurance for the sick. Just like the video said, they're missing the point. I believe that this part of insurance, everyone paying less but it benefits the sick more is good. The ones that are healthy can complain about paying for insurance when it doesn't apply to them... until they get sick! Then they're in the same boat as the people they're complaining about. Nice informative video Healthcare Triage!


I enjoyed watching the video, it explains everything in detail, the video is very interesting and effective. Thank you and good luck with the upcoming videos.


Thanks for making these videos (and this whole channel). Keep it up!
