Is There Anything She Can Do Legally About Her Nosy Neighbor’s Security Cameras?!

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Their neighbor's security camera is pointed RIGHT at their backyard. Would she be an A*Hole if she messed with it...or them?!

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This is illegal. Speak with them directly about taking the camera down or moving it from monitoring YOUR private property.
And let it be known that you’ll need to have your attorney get involved if they don’t.

This is a huge breach of privacy.
Don’t back down; this is creepy and a violation of your privacy.


A short, tall narrow woven brush fence around the pool with really noisy wind chimes as close to their camera as you can get it with it still on your property... And lawyers letter


5 words. Wacky waving inflatable tube guy. Set it in front of the hot tub/camera view. Not only will it obstruct their view, they'll get an alert every time it moves, which will be often.


My neighbors spent over an hour trying to position their backyard camera so it DIDN'T see into my yard. This is so wrong.


No no, there's no expectation of privacy in public. If I can see into your house plainly b/c you don't have curtains up, I can film outside and it's not illegal. Intent is another issue. However, if the cam use is 'security', the property lines need to be within view for legit security, right? That's intent. Otherwise, how do you know 'how' somebody entered your property? If I had a 360 cam on my roof for security purposes, who is anybody to tell me I can't have security in this way?
This entire issue goes back to the government having 'rights of the person' to surveil the public. It's not like the laws aren't keeping up with tech in this context, just the reverse - it's because of tech that these things I mentioned have been established. So what can you do? For windows, get some dark security film to cover the window. It is a one-way view, reflecting on the outside, and too dark to see through from the outside. 2nd, properties have been placed dude by side so that conflict can occur, by design, and so that you can't possibly have enough space to grow your own food. You're meant not to get along Nd what's happening with your neighbour right now? You're not getting along! Seems like it worked. So if you don't like it, move. 3rd, as a solution, put up a divider around your hot tub, something semicircle to block their view, add speakers closer to your fence to create a noise "wall", and don't say anything you consider is 'private' if you know you see likely going to be heard. 4th, as long as video is running, audio recording that accompanies the video, rather than being a standalone action of strict 'audio' recording, is preferably legal. But audio recording on its own is considered spying, which gives back to assumed intent.
Security cams are just that, for security. If you feel you need security from your neighbours - meaning you, but they aren't saying that to you, this could be why they have given you the line that they are looking for bears. Perhaps, they have had something stolen and are suspecting you do they gave the cams srt to catch you coming into their yard from your yard, for example.
The bottom line is, privacy isn't a right when in public. You have to create privacy in public. You don't just assume you have it b/c you don't. Lawyers that provide their "opinions" are willing to offer up contrary views b/c guess what? They make money out of making you believe you have a possible case when it's obvious you have nothing. "There might be a way to show intent." Sure. And it'll cost how much to go through the discovery of a court case to settle the "might". They are all too willing to take your money, at times, to experiment with your perspective in thinking you're "right" rather than Correct according to the law.
As long as government links with corporations to have 'rights of the person' (established in roughly 1850), land claim owners have rights and get to set the rules. They literally have access to more rights than ppl have. Change this function of the law, and perhaps tyrants won't be installing their rights to supercede the human and their rights. Is your town or city incorporated? That city will have rights of the person, and you've probably never heard this b/f b/c it's subtle and foundational in the law. Lawyers need to wake up and fight the proper common law fight, not the one connected to civil law and money. It's a sick world right now, perhaps you've noticed. And it's being made on purpose, with purpose. And the first fact is to know that "they" want rights and want you to have none, and to create discord and conflict between neighbours. And here we are with neighbours squabbling over the intent behind security cams - case in point.
Think I'm wrong? Research the law yourself. Your thinking will change. Until then answer a question for yourself, "Is ignorance bliss??" If "yes", we diametrically opposed, and I stand in Truth, a majority of one if necessary. Still sleeping?
