Long-Term Leatherman Signal Review

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Just my long-term review of the Leatherman Signal.

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This video should be called "Man who carries survival tool for a year but luckily never gets in a survival situation describes how he didn't use survival tool".


I’ve had a Signal for about 6 years now. I would say it’s been my favorite Leatherman. The only item on the Signal I would change is the blade, I would prefer it to be a complete straight blade, no serrations.


I don’t leave my house without my signal+bit lit/bit extension. I’ve had mine for over 2 years, and absolutely love it. I obviously don’t use everything on it, but it’s nice to have it all just in case.


This is actually a great tool for survival. I had one for a long time until it fell off my motorcycle into some deep nasty mud and lost to the earth forever. From personal experience I can say that there is no other multitool I’d rather be stuck with if I was lost in the woods with nothing but my multitool (yes, there are those ultralighters who are crazy enough to go out with just a knife or multitool)


The pliers and philips and flathead and can opener and blade are the things I use most. Normal can openers have a high failure rate and I use the can opener regularly and it hasn't failed me in 4 years. I don't buy baby cans with pop-ups


I carry/have/use/edc the signal in the urban situation just because its appearance. It's more friendly than a Wave or so. My best tool set for my need is the Wingman though. In the long run, it is another addition for my rotation daily picks anyway.


On the sharpener. Use a river rock to set your profile and then use the one on the tool to hone in a razer sharp edge


I see the Signal tool for EDC, hiking, walking, mountain biking, and as a backup to your main tools


As a Signalman I found my self using this leatherman on a daily basis an for my electrical cable/wire needs. Durable and lightweight to not even notice you're carrying it.


To add. I have used every tool on my signal within a few weeks. I use my can opener when overlanding. For space reasons. This is always in my pocket. A can opener takes up space. The awl is great for poking, second "blade" for opening plastics, the bits in the junkyard are great for under dash stuff not getting out to get a driver when you didn't know you needed one. The saw is decent for cutting small branches in a pinch. The pliers are amazing for convenience sake. wire cutter suits the automotive world great In junkyards. I dont rely on it entirely. But I mostly use it for convenience sake. Just because I don't want to go dig out a tool or unpack my overland rig. The bit driver is neat and helpful. But a sturdy thing is nice rather then a cheap driver. It's for space saving and convenience. And it's held up well. The hammer bit and bottle.opener are amazing just to have at the belt ready to go. I love mine. It serves its uses in just convenience. Not really as good as a wingman for all around. But it has exactly what I like it for. And only rhe tools I will use rather then a few I won't. Just my 2c. Very purpose built for space savings and convenience


As a Maintenance technician a multi tool is indespensable. Once you get used to utilizing one everyday at work for miscellaneous tasks it saves you a lot of time And absolutely can get you out of a pitch on the daily. My last multitude of a different brand just broke and you feel naked without it I will probably be purchasing this. It has the main features. I would need plus I do a lot of outdoors stuff and this is a perfect for work and outdoors


I’m between the signal and the MUT. I feel like the MUT is more useful when camping because you can just have a whistle and a zippo lighter for fire. You can also learn how to make a whistle as well in certain terrain


Don’t own a Signal, but its design and the name always indicated to me that it’s for emergency use. You bring up the question of “Who is this for?” I see it as something to keep on you when you’re traveling somewhere and run the risk of getting stranded in the wilderness (such as on a road trip or while on a hike). It wouldn’t be your primary tool, it would be your “Oh shit! I need a ——“ tool.

I see it also falling into the “Two is one, one is none” category of coming into play if your primary tool gets lost, damaged or destroyed for some reason.


Isn't it all about what you might need rather than what you might not need?


With all due respect, it seems like you're going out of your way to find things you don't like about this tool. Of course you're not going to reach for this tool for its screwdriver tips, its mini ferro rod, its whistle, its serrated blade, the mini saw, etc etc. I think you missed the whole point of a tool like this. All it is is a pair of pliers which, let's be honest in saying that is the MAIN reason to own any multitool, that has a bunch of other stuff you probably will never - or almost never - use. That's all a multi tool is. "How good are the pliers?" is really any multi tool review should be. All the other attachments are just inicidental (and variable) to owning and using multi tool A vs. B vs. C and so on. That said, I own two of these and use them daily for gripping and cutting, not for opening canned food or dispatching small sapplings. Just my honest .02 cents. Thanks for the review.


Thanks, I appreciate the honest review and recommendation against this tool.


I purchased the Leatherman signal not 10 minutes ago. ....Plan on using it for my restaurant job. Will update if anyone cares. I already use/own/rotate the Leatherman Wingman/Wave/Micra but plan on using the Signal to replace them all. I love all quality made USA products and I hope the Signal is just as solid as the Wingman/Wave/Micra. If not...hello Buck.


the bit from your bit driver fits in the hole on the hammer. 😂🤣


Skeletool is what your looking for. The shapeways/metro aftermarket stammer hammer gives you the benefit of the signal without the whistle and can opener. A no nonsense tool you’ll be glad you had with you, and if you get the carbon fiber version you might even forget it’s in your pocket. Until you need it.


I’m 12 and found this on our driveway I asked my parents if it’s there’s and they said no I tried to see what I could do with this
