Why Do We Self Harm | Lleyton Delzell | TEDxCardinalNewmanHS

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Why do people Only think people self harm on their arms?


I self harm because I hate myself. It's like a punishment for mistakes I do.


DON'T TELL THE PERSONS PARENTS!!! It's litterly one of the worst things you can do. It will put so much stress on them and they are probably going to do it again because of stress or anxiety.. The best thing you can do is tell them you are there for them if they need to talk, and don't force them to talk to you!! The reason someone self-harms is different for everyone and if you tell their parents and the parents are abusiv or something it willl make it 100 times worse.
This comes from someone who have struggeld witch self-harm for a long time and sorry if my english is bad, it's not my first language.


Dude if she didn't want to talk about it, don't push her.


i get where hes coming from but i would be PISSED if i was that girl


i’m one year clean today (meaning i haven’t physically self harmed myself in one year)

edit: oh my gosh, thank you so much to everyone who responded, you are all so sweet i can't believe anyone saw my comment <3 i love u very much :')


We don’t talk to the school counselors because they don’t care


Honestly this advice sucks for a lot of people cause I’m form experience talking to the school counselor SUCKS and makes the situation a whole lot worse


This is definitely a topic that would be better spoken about coming from a survivor of self-harm.


cutting isn't always on the arms a lot cut on their thighs and other places


I'm glad no one has told anyone about my self-harm.


😭i self harm beacause it controls what i dont wanna go to a school consuler bc they take it farther then i would like it to go


"We both decided that two 17 year olds shouldn't have the fate of someone's life in their hands"
He's actling like he's some kind of superhero🤦🏼‍♂️
I have seen elementary school presentations that went better than this oml


He has no authority talking about this, and I’m so confused why he got this platform to talk about something that he hasn’t experienced personally.


Do not tell someone else about others who self harm. It will do them no good. You've never been through it. You don't understand. It will give them more anxiety, more stress, more reasons to be in pain. Simply let them know that you are there for them, supporting them and always on their side.


I always said that I hurt myself because "I'd rather feel the physical pain that the mental and emotional pain" and "that I was matching how I felt emotionally and mentally to my skin". Sadly sometimes emotional and mental pain is worse than physical because looking at someone you won't always be able to see the emotional or mental pain but physical it's sometimes easier to see the pain. Then someone asks if you're ok and if you do say no and explain then you're overreacting and there's no reason to feel that way. This is why people hide and deal with the emotional and mental pain because it's better to hide it then be told you're overreacting or have no reason to feel the way you do. Then when someone either attempts or actually does kill themselves it's "why didn't they say something" or "we never knew" or "what did we miss". Maybe if people stopped saying that people are overreacting or have no reason to feel that way and actually listen to them or actually pay attention to the small signs something is wrong instead of pushing it off then things would be different and until people change how they react to mental health in all then self harm and suicide will always be an issue and will only get worse and more and more people will kill themselves because they feel like no one cares and no one cares enough to listen and not judge or make comments like there's no reason to feel that way. If we had no reason to feel that way we wouldn't or if "just be happy" was so easy I think everyone would be happy all the time but that's not reality. No one chooses to feel depressed/anxiety/panic attacks/etc. Because if we did most of us wouldn't feel that way. We would be happy and carefree. But that's not reality either.


Recovering from an eating disorder for me means more thoughts of cutting. Letting go of one form of control only makes the other worse😔


If people who self harm want help they will ask for it. Telling the school counselor was one of the worst things this dude could have done.


I'm depressed and I self-harm. I'm 13 years old. I told my friend about it a month ago and they said to try and talk to someone. I HATE when someone tells me that. Due to my anxiety, I can't tell anyone. I don't like it when people feel worried about me. if I told my mum she would cry and my dad would be devastated. I don't want anyone to feel like that because of my feelings. I've done online counselling and it didn't work at all. in fact I feel worse. i don't even know what to do anymore.


Im a week clean tomorrow. I got help on Friday the 13th of December 2019. I was so lucky to have someone who reacted extremely well. She now helps me and supports me. I am so thankful
