I TURNED OFF the resource pack

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I have been playing in my Minecraft survival world for over a year using a resource pack that makes it look similar to the Minecraft trailer graphics. In that time, I haven't once taken it off to see my world with the vanilla graphics. Join me as we see it with the default visuals for the first time together!

Resource Pack: Bare Bones by robotpant

All music by me, you can find most of it here:

Minecraft Trailer Survival Series:


I recommend BisectHosting to anyone looking for a good, reliable server host for their Minecraft world. Use code 'lowresbones' for 25% off your first month as a new customer on any of their gaming servers!

#minecraft #survival #letsplay
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Without the pack it's really reminiscent of older building in Minecraft. Looks like the type of building you might have seen 5 years ago, very nostalgic.


for your world i absolutely love the barebones and shaders, it just works so incredibly well


your shaderpack reminds me of this xbox game called "Lego Worlds" and trust me i used to play that game for hours for about 2 years and thank you i feel very nostalgic now


From artist’s perspective, you made the best art possible with the respective medium of choice. You’re a great builder, and it’s obvious you make sick builds in relation to what art medium/texture pack you use.


Imma sue Minecraft for false advertising. Trailer texture pack is not included in the game, or anywhere for that matter


it's not a matter which one is better, the matter is HOW you constructed your world, depending on the textures and presence of shaders u might choose different blocks and composition to make the buildings look better, for example the leaves u said that they look more empty, maybe if u used vanilla textures u might have made the tree leaves thiccer. So neither options are the best just a matter of how you use those textures and personal preference



“The sun’s gone down and I’m stranded out at sea,
good thing I built this little port-dock thing.”



I think you can create a lot more atmosphere with the shader lighting and barebones, so I prefer that look, but the builds still look great without them. Before anyone goes to say your builds only look good with the resource pack+shaders they should take a moment to think that they were designed with those things in mind, the lack of leaf transparency on the tree for example. Love the series! I have been playing with barebones lately.


This series reminds me of the old classic Minecraft playthroughs, no crazy mods or automized farms, just how most casual people play the game, but modernized so it's not super long and boring I like it, I get nostalgic watching it.


I prefer the bare bones pack - it makes this series feel very unique in a good way. The people who complain about "real building" are the same types that would say only oil paint is "real painting" and I've seen some brilliant things created with water colors!


I think the only things wrong with Minecraft's default textures and lighting is its color scheme. The sky is a depressing, grayish blue, that's why most people prefer shaders that make the sky a deeper, more cheerful blue. Second is the grass. The grass in most biomes is either too pale and yellow or too blue. For savannahs and tundras it works, but the grass colors mess with a lot of builds in plains or meadows.
That's just my take on Minecraft's visuals.


I'm a vanilla guy but dude I LOVE the simple texture pack, it makes everything look so clean. and the overexposed lighting look compliments it well. of course your world will look the best in the medium in which you designed it -saying it has to look good in vanilla is like saying a painting has to look good as a drawing to truly be art


The entire point of resource packs is to build with different looking styles (including some that arent in normal minecraft like steampunk or alien) so clearly in order to make a steampunk area using a resource pack would be a ton easier and unique as well. I think builds that utilize resource packs heavily are utilizing the tools for their exact purpose


I feel ya, I have been using Mizuno since like 1.16, and going vanilla is very intense. After spending so much time creating an atmosphere it can be overwhelming, ultimately, it is what YOU did with the pack that brought your world to life and its stunning either way!


I genuinely adore the way it looks with Vanilla. It's full of beautiful choices that you would pass up if you were working with Vanilla from the get go.


everyone has a preference as if painting with different color types (acrylic-oil) all looks gd and all need skill that u have so keep it up
to me what made this series special is the simplicity of the trailer look so keep it up


My first time watching you. I love your world. It looks great in vanilla, and with the shaders on. I personally am not a fan of barebones on its own, but its still quite nice, and it was fun to hear how you reacted after so long with the resource pack on.


I loved seeing how different the perspective of your world looked with and without the textures. Hearing how blown away by dirt you were was hilarious to me. It's like watching a little kid get excited about discovering a diamond for the first time 😂


2:30 for some the textures with shaders off nostalgic, reminds of the plastic texture pack i think a few (6-7 years maybe) years back in some older minecraft videos.


Based on your reactions to the cobblestone and copper, I definitely prefer you keep the resource pack enabled for this world. As much as I love the vanilla textures, I think builds generally look best with the pack they were first made with. Besides, the pack is probably the most iconic feature
