Centering equations with a right-justified number in Microsoft Word

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When writing technical documents like engineering reports or scientific manuscripts, equations are often necessary. How to format and align the equations and their numbers can sometimes be tricky. There are several videos online showing a table method for equations, but another method is to use tab stops. I didn't find a good, concise video for the tab-stop method, so I put this one together.
The equation is centered using a center-style tab stop. The equation number is right-justified using a right-style tab stop. That's pretty much all there is to it. This example is for Microsoft Word, but the concept should be applicable to other software packages.
The equation is centered using a center-style tab stop. The equation number is right-justified using a right-style tab stop. That's pretty much all there is to it. This example is for Microsoft Word, but the concept should be applicable to other software packages.
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