Johnny vs. Sonic Lost World (Wii U & 3DS)

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Here it is, the review of the latest game in the Sonic franchise. Sonic Lost World takes the Hedgehog through over 7 different worlds, battles against the Deadly Six, and also takes things back to a simpler time in terms of high-speed platforming. The boost formula is gone. The Wisps are back. However, does this change end up working out in the end, or was it a bad idea to shake things up at this point?
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The new like bar makes me think I'm about to level up a Pokemon.


I always wait until I beat a game to watch reviews on it, to avoid spoilers. That said, I just beat Lost World today, and believe me, the one phrase that sums up how I feel after watching the review is: "Oh good; I'm not the only one."
I felt pretty much exactly like Johnny did about the game. It's like they took ideas from New Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Galaxy, blended them and slapped Sonic as the main character. Hell, the way Tails escapes in one cutscene and the last battle against Zavok made me give up. Something that I didn't see John mention was how slow Sonic feels, even with the run button which ultimately screws over his momentum. I too would have preferred if they had approached the controls like they did with Generations.
The first half of the cutscenes were cringe-worthy with their dialogue, getting a little better in the second half. To be quite honest, I actually liked the Deadly Six, I just wish that they had been fleshed out. They seem interesting enough, but absolutely nothing is explained about them or the Lost Hex.
If you ever get the chance, get the Yoshi's Island and TLoZ DLC. They are so worth it and are ironically the funnest part in the entire game.
As for the 3DS version, also, thank you. It makes me happy to know I'm not the only one who looked like a dumbass playing the Special Stages. XD
I really want to like this game, but I feel so mixed about it and I've never felt this way about a video game before.


I know I said this on another one of your videos but this review style gives me a really good idea of what the game is going to be like. The editing is done really well, if you have disagreements it feels really legitimate and the voice is really relaxing!


The game got a lot better with the updates: you get an extra life with 100 rings! You don't have to use the motion controls for the wisps anymore!


This was 7 years ago I want to go back


Here's to the PC release today! I may not own one, but cheers anyway! ^_^


Don’t know why Sega went with this even though Generations perfected the boost formula. Also this specific entry also focused mainly on jokes and exaggerated personality traits of the characters


I love the intermittent swearing during the review. Never knowing when an f-bomb is going to drop is pretty fun.


"I know the 3D perspective for Sonic has been an incredibly bumpy ride, but the answer isn't to cut away from it entirely; you just have to keep trying until you get it right." -Johnny, 2010
Remember when you used to be optimistic about games and gave the impression that you cared when a franchise took risks? Yeah, that doesn't happen anymore.


Oh, the quick joke with spaceballs (SUCK! SUCK! SUCK!) was not one I used to get but I do now at it's bloody hilarious!


I actually really enjoyed the 3DS version of Lost World though it was very challenging and incompletable without access to the WiiU version! Is there something wrong with me @SomecallmeJohnny ? Do I need to seek medical attention for my enjoyment of Lost World? By the way, my favorite color power was the asteroid power!


For the homing spin kick u have to Press y


I thought it was a decent game in my opinion.


Well almost 6 years later I think it’s safe to say Lost World is less polarizing and more apathetic.


All the first Adventure game was is experimentation. The first game had speed, flying, climbing, snowboarding, using a hammer, shooting a gun, flying a plane, and FISHING.


The trailer reminded me a lot of Sonic Xtreme. After all, Xtreme is Sonic's LOST World! ehh! ehh! nudge!nudge!


Um... I get extra lives every 100 rings.
am i...
am i doing something wrong?


Don't know why I rewatch these review's so much


"The answer's yes and no" fucking killed me!


I really miss older systems Nintendo had.  You know, the ones that didn't force their gimmicks down your throat?  Seriously, what happened to just making games with basic controls and such that didn't force you to use some half-assed motion controls or some gamepad or anything like that?
