Ray Comfort Teaches The FALSE GOSPEL Of Lordship Salvation

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#raycomfort #livingwaters #lordshipsalvation

In this video, I will go into the heresy of Lordship salvation.

This is NOT an attack on Ray Comfort or his personal testimony of salvation
This is a critique on the FALSE TEACHING of Lordship salvation, according to God's word

How do I know I'm saved? Lordship salvation places focus on the sinner NOT the Savior. Too many people who claim to believe in Jesus Christ are resting in their performance rather than His promise.

Beware of @livingwaters
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You are correct. 2 Cor 11:3 People often try to complicate the Gospel. It’s simple, believe=salvation, following Jesus = service. There is a stark difference between service and salvation.


2 Corinthians 11:15
"Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (KJV)

I believe this applies to Ray Comfort.


Thanks so much Brother for your teaching, I lean wholly on free grace theology for salvation. God bless.


This sounds less like "lordship salvation" than someone living out Luke 24:47, "and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." Or the multiple times He told people to "go and sin no more." Repentance and belief are two sides of the same coin.


If you don't see how Ray Comfort teaches AGAINST the gospel of Christ
Romans 1:16 (KJV)
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV)

It proves the problem of many Christians today... All up in your feelings when you should be in God's word


The greatest WORK done was on the cross OUR sins past, present and future wiped. WE are dead to sin we can not sin we have the new man, the Holy Spirit in us. BUT we still live in a flesh old man body that DOES sin and when we do we have a Godly sorrow because we grieve the Holy Spirit we have a choice daily to walk in the flesh or the spirt if in the flesh we will be disciplined as a parent does with their child when they are bad. Repenting of our sin to be saved or stay saved is a works, Jonah 3:10 tell us that. It's the finished WORK of the cross, Faith alone, Christ alone but works are being added to to make people think that they have to continually repent to stayed saved or be saved nowhere in the bible does it say repent of your sins to be saved. REPENT (Greek = Metanoia) changing our mind from unbelief to belief or direction by Grace through faith trust in Jesus. I was scared of not being saved but simply understanding the simple message of the cross their is peace and joy. Roman 7 Paul's struggle with the flesh...


Yeah not quite sure what you're trying to prove here but this man does not teach words and your example was not him telling the person they had to do anything The works come after salvation no matter what if you're truly saved you're going to have good works That's what he means this is bad video


Luke 15:10
' likewise I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth'.

You can say you're a Christian, but for an example, as a single woman having sex with someone, and dating etc, and sleeping with someone else a month later... You're a fornicator. And they don't inhered the Kingdom says the Bible. So yes, in that case you need to repent= to turn away from it. Or else you become a worker of iniquity = willfully keep on sinning. And you know what it says about workers of iniquity.
'depart from me, I never knew you. You workers of iniquity.'
So yes! We need to preach the gospel and repentce. That isn't work. It's just something you need and desire to do if you truly love and fear the Lord.


Salvation in Christ starts when one hears the gospel of Christ. A brief summary of this gospel is that it consists of things we must believe, commands that we must obey to be saved, and promises of God that we will receive after salvation. This gospel of Christ tells us about what Jesus did for all humans on the cross as our Lord, God, and Savior. Once a person hears and believes in what Jesus has offered by way of salvation, they must realize their sin, repent of their sins, confess Him as Lord, get water baptized for the forgiveness of their sins, and live obediently to His commands.

Here are a few verses that summarize the gospel of Christ.
• The gospel must be preached for it is the power of God unto salvation (Mark 16 15; Romans 1 16).
• Saving Faith is the direct result of instruction in God's word (John 6 44 and 45; Romans 10 17).
• Saving Faith leads to repentance (Acts 2:36-38).
• Repentance leads to salvation (2 Corinthians 7:9-10).
• When one has repented, turned and confessed his faith in Jesus (Acts 8:37, Romans 10 10), he is then water baptized into Christ (Romans 6:1-6).
• This makes one a child of God (Galatians 3:26-27).
• 1 John 2:3-4 obey is commandments if you actually KNOW Him.


What do you think the change of mind/heart defined by the word "metanoia" refers to? It seems to me it's referring to your attitude toward your sin! Repentance is NOT the same as "works !" Here is a question for you: When God sent OT prophets to cities to tell them to "repent, " do you think God just wanted them to agree with Him that what they were doing was wrong, or so you think God actually wanted them to STOP their wrongdoing?


Jesus told the prostitute Go and sin no more. Repenting and turning from sin is not works. That is not a false gospel.


It depends on what you mean by Lordship salvation.
Because the word is quite clear we are to holy as he is holy. But the bible is also clear that we only need to believe.
Now if ine believes that Jesus died for all our sins past present and future. Why would we keep living our old life?
So yes. I find some if what Ray preaches is suspect.
On one hand he does believe that one is saved by grace but on the other he does believe I f one is sinning you aren't saved.
But Ray does have a point.
There are many Christians that say they believe but still live as they did before accepting Christ as savour.
For me its like this.
We are saved by Grace. Saved from what, our old life. God has brought us out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.
So our actions wont save us.
But we are making a choice. Do we follow God or ourselves?
Gid commands us to be holy.
He commands us to be led by the spirit.
So it is clear we cant save ourselves but if we choose to follow our way we aren't trusting and we aren't believing.
When we believe there will be evidence.
But our good works dont save us. Only God.
So is God Lord of my life. Absolutely. I coose to follow God. Not because that saves but because I believe. Gods way is right my ways is wrong.
My actions do nothing for my salvation but i will live for God. Not my will be done but God's.


Repentance to be saved is the necessary change of mind from A) belief in anything other than Jesus to save us (like works under Mosaic law), to B) belief in ONLY Jesus to save us.

In short, repentance means only Jesus saves, not Jesus + something else.


Ray is just another preacher searching for donations and views.


Ray Comfort is right. Repentance from sin is grace. Go and sin no more.


Hmm.. then what is baptism of repentance doing in Mark 1:4?


I am sorry, but I see four issues with this video: First, your statement glorifying the King James Bible. Yes, this version was translated very well FOR ITS TIME. However, the English language has changed over the 400 years since its translation. For example: (I Kings 18:21) “How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him: But if Baal, then follow him” (KJV) What does "halt" mean? Well, another translation for the Hebrew word is "Limp". WAIT that doesnt make much sense either.... But the NIV gives us an understanding of what halt meant at the time of the KJV; waiver. “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” (NIV) To hold one translation to such high esteem without considering that the language has changed away from even the words of Thee and Thou is arrogant and prideful... Second, you have called a man following the great commission to preach the gospel to the world a false teacher and use very short clips repeatedly as your evidence. In doing so, you ignore the rest of his presentation. Thirdly, you state over and over that his message is a work based gospel and then acknowledge repentance is required and is described as a believer changing their mind (an action). Lastly, the only one that can save is God, not Ray, not Rightly Dividing, not myself; ONLY GOD.
I want to make one last point: verse John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Grace saves but actions show your faith. Do you love Christ? Repent from your sin while you still have breath because that is the fruit (not the mechanism) of your belief.


You talk in circles and ended saying exactly what Ray says in the end. You two say the same thing.


Looks to me like what we have here is the pot calling the kettle black, in other words a kjo calling out a pharisee, judge not lest ye also be judged. Neither one could read Hebrew or Greek!


R Comfort is a reprobate concerning The Gospel. He preaches a useless gospel that keeps people trapped in the Law of Moses. A wolf in sheep's clothing. 1 Timothy 1 verse 15 King James Version says "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief." You can't save yourself from stopping sinning or trying to stop. Put your trust in Christ. He paid for the sins of the world.
