What Does The Bible Say About Tattoos And Piercings?

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What does the Bible say about tattoos and body piercing? Well, the Bible makes references in the Old Testament about not scarring the body and putting markings on the body, and we know that the body is a Tabernacle, the Temple of the Living God, so that's what the Bible says about it. But oftentimes, I question this prose because people want to know if it's okay to do it today. Well, we're in a new dispensation today. This is the dispensation called grace, and we've been saved by grace through faith that's not of any words.

See, under the old regime, the law, you had to do all these certain things, foot washings and all these ordinances, you had to eat certain types of food, to distinguish. God would separate His people from the others, the Gentiles, from His own people, by how they conducted themselves, by what they ate and all these very ceremonial things that they would contend with.

But now, we are in this age of grace. It doesn't matter now. It doesn't save you. It has nothing to do with your salvation. That's why thank God for Jesus. That's why He came because people would mark themselves all up and cut themselves up and put paint all over there. They would wax themselves all over with all types of graffiti and everything else.

But again, so Jesus, He took care of all of that. He took care of all the laws. He fulfilled the law. All the things that we weren't supposed to do or we weren't able to fulfill ourselves, He did it for us, so that's the blessing and the blood of Jesus.

So, what does the Bible say about tattoos and body piercing? You know, you can tat yourself up all over if you want to, but that's up to you. If you want to go around covering up everything in this beautiful creation that God has made and you want to do your arms and your chest and your back and all over your body with tattoos and colors, that's on you. It might hinder you from getting jobs in some places. It might have, some people might profile you because of that also, because it's some timing. It has associations with it.

And then certain types of tattoos have demonic semblances and symbolize demonic forces and things, and so you are can attract some things that are not godly as a result. But does it save you? It has nothing to do with your salvation. Are there demonic symbols? Yes. You can put them on your body and you can attract all types of demons as well. But again, that's what the Bible says about it. No, you shouldn't do it because according to the law. However, has it anything to do with your salvation? No.

So, I'm like this here. If God said I shouldn't eat pork, you know, He had a reason for it. But do I eat it? Once in a while, but there is no law. I'm not in bondage. However, you know why He said don't? Because it's not good for you. Well, so why would I mark up my face? And then, just to be personal, I'm a dark-skinned brother. Why would I tat myself up? You can't even see half of them anyway. I'm just having fun with you. But you can't even see the markings on many of us dark-skinned people anyway, unless it's some kind of fluorescent paint.

And so, that's up to you if you want to tat yourself all up. I think it's a fad we're going through right now, and a lot of people are just following other people, marking up their bodies, and many people are taking them off as well. And so you just, you think about it yourself. Is God convicting you? If you have a conviction, don't do it. If you don't feel like doing it, don't do it. If you feel pressured, don't do it, you know. And if you do it, well, don't be condemned. It's on you.
Рекомендации по теме

Leviticus 19:28 - Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. When I read this in my younger years it seemed to me to say that you are not to make markings to remember the dead. Otherwise it would have stated: Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead; nor print any marks upon you . . .  Did you see the difference? Commas and Semicolons. I have one tattoo. "Nor print any marks upon you" is not a complete sentence, but I am no longer sure if it should read ' . . . It would be easier to translate if it said this: Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh nor print any marks upon you for the dead. This passage just is difficult to read, and thus interpret. My one tattoo is a Chi Rho, which was a Latin symbol for Christ; it is not a tattoo for a remembering of the dead but rather for remembering a living and risen Christ!


Moses' law was the only thing done away with in the old testament, but God's law still stands. Jesus didn't abolish it, He added to it. Yes, we are granted grace & mercy, but that does not give us permission to practice sin. Be very careful to give out false information to God's people. Woe to those that lead His chosen astray!


It is not Pharisaical to counsel the saved and unsaved to do or not to do something that maybe beneficial or harmful to them. eg don't drive over the speed limit, dress appropriately or eat healthily. Las Vegas full of Christians doing what they should be counsel against. But leaders are afraid of majoring in minor or being labeled Pharisee. No wonder why inside the church the statistic of health, happiness, divorce and the like are the same or worse than outside the church.


I'm a reborn christian and I'm thinking of making a tattoo of a cross that can remember me what Jesus did for me on the cross and other good thing when people would see it I could tell them my testimony. But I have some doubts and questions. Yeah I know that our body is the temple of God but then why woman can have earings? Of course I love better Jesus than my body. What do you think about it? Can I make it? And please bring me some reasons about your opinions. God bless you all!


I'm glad you asked. When our consience is not at peace about something, which is one way to describe a conviction. The other is for Christians, the holy spirit will make our hearts at unrest when He doesn't want us to do something. It's all personal, he deals with all of us differently in areas that have nothing to do with salvation.


If you are in Christ do not by any means paint your body with a tattoo or with tattoos, those are part of the world as Romans 12:2 says "be ye not conformed to this world"


Like the pharisees, they majored in minors. They strain out a gnat and swallow a camel. Millions of legitmate, bonafied ministers today have tatoos from before salvation and after, and God is using them mightily. Tatoos dont save or condemn, Jesus saves! Let the Holy Spirit do the


So this is what I'm curious about... If God never lies (cause if he did tht would not make him God) then why would he change his law. Even if he came down in the embodiment of christ, why would he change his law? G-d never lies. if it was wrong in the beginning why would it be wrong now?


Be holy and lead a righteous life through our Lord Jesus Christ. I conclude by saying ALL tattoos are carrying certain spirits of the devil in them, whether its beautiful or not. Many are decieved by their attractiveness and they end up defending them by saying there are no spirit.

"Marvel not when he disguise himself as and angel of life, so that he may deceive many"


We're saved by the blood of Jesus. Tatooed or not has nothing to do with salvation. Thank God for Jesus! Like the pharisees, they majored in minors. They strain out a gnat and swallow a camel. Millions of legitmate, bonafied ministers today have tatoos from before salvation and after, and God is using them mightily. Tatoos dont save or condemn, Jesus saves! Let the Holy Spirit do the convicting...peace


Some symbols can attract demons. Study the origin of the demon hunter logo. Personally, I think you should renouce it and have it covered with something or removed. We are living epistles. We dont have to write our beliefs on our body. We should just let our light shine. Thanks


God bless you alwys pastor...keep up sharing all around the world how to be holy in the presence of God.


In the name of Jesus Christ I hope he lets my father go up to the gates of heaven if my father only had names of people and a tweety picture is he ok please answer


You can make the cross and there is no condemnation. However I personally would suggest that you don't need it to be a witness for Christ. 2 Cor. 2:2 says that "you are living epistles (letters), known and read by all men". People should see your life and notice the Christ in you. Thanks for


I have nothing against his religion but that argument against tattooing is very weak


i got a pic of a demon skull with a bullet hole in the head (demon hunter logo). is that bad or demonic?


Study the dispensations and you'll learn a


well if a tattoo is a sin and means u can be condemned, im going to be condemed about 27 times and tattooing isnt just a fad as you say the art of tattooing the body leads back to 2000 B.C when the egyptian's did it to the women so all u people thinking bout getting ink on ur body ignore this guy




Give us a Scripture that say 'What We're Saved From."
