Fallout 4: The Perfect Turning Point | Definitive Minutemen Ending Guide

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For those who have seen my Definitive Minutemen Ending Guide, this ending is the same. I made this video to help clarify the most important parts of my playthrough, as well as to explain the notes that were made on my previous videos. This playthrough takes advantage of the latest turning point in the game, at which you must decide which faction to side with in the end.
Links to supporting videos can be found by clicking the icon at the top right of the screen, as well as on a separate playlist on my channel. I will continue to update the playlist with new videos whenever possible. Timestamps, as well as a list of main quests and important side quests can be found below. #Fallout4

Thank you for your incredible support!

0:00 – Introduction
0:52 – 3 Main Requirements
1:59 – Before Entering the Institute – The Molecular Level
3:45 – Before Getting Banished from the Institute
5:43 – Getting Banished from the Institute – Spoils of War
8:03 – Conclusion, Final Thoughts, and Suggestions

Main Quests Completed/Failed (Beginning with Most Recent):
Jackpot – Railroad – Side quest from PAM – Refer to Ballistic Weave video (Can complete before or after ending)
Mercer Safehouse – Railroad – Side quest from PAM – Refer to Ballistic Weave video (Can complete before or after ending)
The Nuclear Option – Minutemen
Human Error – Side quest for Covenant settlement – Recommended
Defend the Castle – Minutemen
Tactical Thinking – BOS – Failed (Don't speak to Kells)
Burning Cover – Railroad (Received after failing Underground Undercover and being banished from the Institute. Not necessary.)
Blind Betrayal – BOS – Don't complete until after Spoils of War, or you may be unable to speak with Ingram and inform the Brotherhood
Banished from the Institute
Spoils of War – BOS
Underground Undercover – Railroad – Failed (Refer to Burning Cover)
Mass Fusion – Institute – Informed the Brotherhood of Steel after speaking to Allie Filmore.
Liberty Reprimed – BOS
Mankind - Redefined – Institute
The Battle of Bunker Hill – Institute – Refer to Battle of Bunker Hill video
From Within – BOS
Outside the Wire – BOS
Boston After Dark – Railroad – Side quest – Recommended – Refer to Ballistic Weave video
Synth Retention – Institute
Inside Job – Minutemen
Institutionalized – Institute
The Molecular Level – Minutemen
Tradecraft – Railroad (ACCEPT or COMPLETE at any point before entering Institute at The Molecular Level)
Old Guns – Minutemen
Taking Independence – Minutemen
The Glowing Sea
Dangerous Minds
Show No Mercy – BOS
Tour of Duty – BOS
Shadow of Steel – BOS
Getting a Clue
Unlikely Valentine
Road to Freedom – Railroad
The Lost Patrol – BOS – Side quest – Recommended
Semper Invicta – BOS – Failed (Not necessary to fail. I chose out of personal reasons not to help Rhys.)
Call to Arms – BOS
Fire Support – BOS
Sanctuary – Minutemen
The First Step – Minutemen
Jewel of the Commonwealth
When Freedom Calls – Minutemen
Out of Time

Additional notes:
- Completing both Inside Job and Outside the Wire: If you've given the Institute holotape to Sturges, you can ask him for a copy of it to give to Proctor Ingram.
- Feel free to complete Underground Undercover up to the objective that involves arming the synths and helping Z1-14. This doesn't appear to impact the ending in any way. Continuing to work with Father will require completing Mass Fusion with the Institute, which is the part that should be avoided.
- Various holotapes containing lore can be found throughout the Institute. Thank you for letting me know. I'll consider putting together a video to help locate these holotapes.
- A House Divided, an Institute side quest, can also be completed if you wish. No impact on the ending. No benefit to completing it.
- You can still complete Show No Mercy after completing Institutionalized. The dialogue with Maxson for Outside the Wire and From Within will start after you've completed Show No Mercy.
- Bunker Hill can be unlocked as a settlement by completing quests with Kessler. OR have it instantly unlocked by speaking with Kessler after completing the Nuclear Option.
- Tactical Thinking and other incomplete Brotherhood of Steel quests will be failed after completing Defend the Castle, as seen in my Defend the Castle guide and playthrough.
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Timestamps for those who are watching on mobile and can't click the ones I posted in the description. Thanks again for your continued support!

0:00 – Introduction
0:52 – 3 Main Requirements
1:59 – Before Entering the Institute – The Molecular Level
3:45 – Before Getting Banished from the Institute
5:43 – Getting Banished from the Institute – Spoils of War
8:03 – Conclusion, Final Thoughts, and Suggestions

Notes for more complex quests:

Other notes:


This youtuber represents all my dreams about YouTube video makers. No stupid and long intros, no useless talking, straight to the point, short, simple and ready to elaborate.


Here's the step-by-step version

Part One: Before entering the institute

- Complete Brotherhood of Steel quests:
_ "Reveille"
_ "Fire Support
_ "Call to Arms"
_ "Semper Invicta"
_ "The Lost Patrol"
- After completing main quest "Reunions" complete:
_ "Shadow of Steel
- Complete Railroad quests:
_ "Road to Freedom"
_ "Tradecraft"
(Progress in Railroad side quest as wanted)
- Complete Minutemen quests:
_ "When Freedom Calls"
_ "Sanctuary"
_ "Taking Independence"
_ "Old Guns"
(Progress in Minutemen side quests as wanted)
- Complete main quest "The Molecular Level" (With Minutemen)

Part Two: Before being banished form the Institute

- Complete Brotherhood of Steel main quests:
_ "From Within"
_ "Outside the Wire"
_ "Liberty Reprimed"
- Do not progress in Railroad main quests
- Complete Institute main quests:
_ "Synth Retention"
_ "The Battle of Bunker Hill"
(You don't have to recall the synths, just be nice to Shaun at the end)
_ "Mankind Redefined" (Last Institute main quest)
Be sure to complete Institute Side quests:
_ "Building a Better Crop"
_ "Plugging a Leak"
_ "A House Divided"
-Optionally complete Radiant quests:
_ "Pest Control"
_ "Hypothesis"
_ "Appropriation"
_ "Reclamation"
Wrap up other Institute Business
_ Retrieve Virgil’s serum
_ Earn X6-88's Perk
_ Retrieve magazine at the top of the North tower

Part Three: Turning on the Institute

- Start BOS quest "Blind Betrayal", but don't talk to Maxon at the end
- Teleport back to the Institute and talk to Allie Fillmore to start "Mass Fusion"
- Last chance for Institute Content (Make a Hard Save)
- Report to Ingram at the Airport to start "Spoils of War"
(This banishes you from the Institute)
Complete Brotherhood of Steel quest:
_ "Blind Betrayal"
Complete Railroad quest:
_ "Burning Cover"
Complete Minutemen quests:
_ "Defend the Castle"
_ "The Nuclear option"
(End Game)


Funny how I got that ending completely differently:
Did all brotherhood quests until they asked my to murder the railroad, which I didnt.
Stayed with the institute until the battle of bunker hill, where I let the synths go, met with father on the CIT roof, was declared an enemy of the institute -> defend castle -> minutemen endquest


The margin for error to mess this ending seems so high


Bro I’m replaying f4 for like the 8th time and I’ve never even realized there was a minutemen specific ending. I always chose one of the other three!!! I’m so pumped to try this out!


After all these years of guilt and regret- I finally found a summarized breakdown - to get the best ending (perspective) possible. I thank you for your work and teachings


I did this 5/24/24! It works perfectly! Brotherhood radiant quests work and just got ballistic weave! Thanks!


7 years later and this is still helpful thanks man!


Knowing me I'll mess up these instructions some how 😂


I felt that my previous Minutemen ending video didn’t do well in emphasizing my strategy of taking advantage of the different turning points for each faction. Hopefully, this will help you get the most out of your game no matter which faction you side with in the end. I also hope that this will clarify many of the questions and concerns that were brought to my attention, especially for those who have seen my previous Minutemen ending guides. I will update the playlist on my channel with guides for new quests whenever possible. Thank you for your incredible support!


My God, you're a legend! I just finished Fallout 4 and followed exactly everything you said. I've destroyed the Institute, evacuated everyone so the Railroad and Preston are happy, brought synth Shaun with me, Danse is safe and sound in Sanctuary Hills, and most importantly all factions are still cool with me. Thank you so much for this video!


One of the most helpful videos I've seen for my playstyle on Fallout 4. Thank you.


This is the most helpful video I've seen for this game. Short and jam-packed with useful information. Thank you!


I found your guide a few days ago and I just finished following it exactly. I was lucky enough to have an old save that let me do exactly as you instructed. I've already complete the different main story endings with each faction so now I can go onto the DLC's with the knowledge that I'm friendly with each faction. Great presentation, thanks mate.


Was sooo fumed I forgot to mention, out of all the guides for this type of ending, yours is the best I've encountered and will most likely remain the best, thank you and keep up this type of flawless guides/videos.


Can't imagine all the hours that went into figuring this out and on top of that, making such comprehensive and clear guides. Really fantastic job!
(Also, I completely feel you about Rhys. He's... well, he's certainly an acquired taste.)


I found the "best ending" guide that is done by the Triple S league first. Yours is so much better! It lets you do far more missions with each faction than the Triple S version. Excellent good of presenting it also!


This video helped SO much. I beat the game years ago, started a new play through and really wanted to end with the minutemen and have the factions be peaceful. Finally completed it today. I watched your video a dozen times to make sure I was exactly where I needed to be.


No nonsense long intros, detailed informations.
DAMN, you deserves tons of subscribers bro!
