Day 1 Rotator Cuff Surgery Recovery - Nerve Block and Sleeping in a Recliner

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This is a series of videos chronicling my journey with rotator cuff surgery and recovery. These videos were created to provide viewers an idea of what to expect from the night before surgery through full recovery. Updated videos are published regularly.

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Just had my rotator cuff surgery this morning watching this video makes me feel very very good thank you for putting it up


Hello! Retired L.A. City Firefighter here. Having surgery on the exact same thing you did on May 9. Your videos are a godsend. Thank you!


Thank u so much for this video, it gave me a great peace of mind. I’m on day 1 of a rotator cuff surgery, and medicine block. My hand n forearm are completely dead, zero feeling, zero movement. I called the hospital in a panic . They said it is okay. Did not even feel comfortable w the answer until I saw ur video w someone who has experienced it. Thank u


I'm truly grateful for your detailed commentary. Having shoulder surgery in 7 days ( June 22, 2023). Gaining insight on a lot of things, especially medication, had no idea what Nerve Block was, so thank you. 👏🙏


Thanks so much for sharing! Great information.


Just got my surgery done at 7am this morning due to a recent sports injury. I had just a slight tingling in my thumb and index so I assume I didn’t have a big dose of nerve block. As a physician I expected the nerve block to last about 12 hrs and it was about right the numbness is almost gone. Pain is creeping in but not bad at all so I started the pain meds to stay ahead. So far everything is ok thank God.
Just a quick tip if someone is having this surgery; ask to go home with the surgical gown. It has snap buttons above the shoulder and it does make things easier for the first couple of days.


Shoulder surgery in 5 days. Thank you for the video.


Thank you. I had ac joint reduction surgery this morning (07/21/2022), with nerve block. it's 6:30pm, 10 hours after surgery and nerve block still effective. My hand and fingers tingle a lot, but my arm is completely numb and unusable. Like websites say, my arm is heavy and numb. No pain, but I'm really uncomfortable. Using an Iceman on my shoulder to reduce swelling but doesn't help arm. Will update later.


The anesthesia from surgery will wear off after several hours. You’ll get feeling back in your arm and fingers and then that’s when pain management begins.


What was your Tylenol regime? I’m trying to see if I can get through it as well without the opiods


I may have to have rotator cuff/slap tear surgery soon and I am most concerned about my arm being numb for hours. I hate that type of feeling. 😑😑


Hi I have seen some videos where people are reporting quite a bit of pain after shoulder surgery. I am having surgery in a week. What is your secret to not having pain? Did the nerve block last longer than expected? Thanks so much for your informative videos!


I had rotator cuff surgery a small labrel tare with a deep supraspinatus tare repair. Sorry, but the pain after the nerve block is excruciating as well as the recovery.


I'm hoping you might be able to help
It appears a nerve block during a rotator cuff surgery has left me with a blood clot and half of my right lung being nonfunctional..
Will not go into the specifics of the lack of response from the doctor who performed the surgery but a hospital stay was able to get me out of immmediat distress. A VERY GOOD PA was able to help me out with determing what was going on. Comparing pre op xrays and CTs he has determined right lung is no functionimg . He researched and determined it may be necessary to have a surgeon go in and perform repair/ pressure release surgery on that chest nerve
We are not able to locate a surgeon that can perform this surgery. I am close to the Dallas FT Worth area, there was a surgeon in that area who performed the surgery, but he is no longer a available (retirement??? Not sure)
In any case do you have a referral of a surgeon who may be able to help and has experience with this post op /nerve block damage issue?


Hi if they used nerve block why the general anesthesia. I thought it was one or the other.


I just had surgery this morning on my left shoulder. I had a tear and bursitis in my rotator cuff. This nerve block, I do not like. I’m ready for it to wear off. Everything on my left arm and hand are numb. How are you doing recovery wise?


I have surgery in two weeks. I live alone with two large very active young dogs. Terrified about how I will care for my animals.


Its Scott wondering did you have a complete tear ?


how have you been after 1 week, and a month? Do u have any pain still?


Watching this scares me. I live alone and have to dress myself alone.
