Cameramen Accidentally Airs Live Television Too Soon

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Fans are struggling to explain what happened to them, can you?

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thank you for watching 😎






















Nothing to see down here...


























Seriously, no need to keep scrolling.






























You are at the end. Nothing more exists beyond this.
































What are you looking for? There is nothing else here.




















































OK, since you are persistent....























“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬


I found my eldest sister dead in her apartment from drinking numerous litre bottles of raw vodka after her marriage broke down and got divorced, my life has been a living hell, today is my sister's 6th anniversary since she passed, im a born again christain, quit drinking and cocaine addictions, still struggling with smoking cigarettes, will someone be so kind as to remember me and my family in prayer, im now a carer for 84 year old unsaved mother. Blessings from Ireland in the name of Jesus Christ.( Its through Gods grace alone that i now live. Glory to God. )


I was the king. I let Satan get to me and convince me it was ok to sleep with whom I wanted as even though I was still married we were already living in 2 separate states and had agreed to end it. Years later and as much as I don't want to admit several women later God decided it was time for me to return to him. He broke my body so that now I was in complete reliance on him. Several years later my wife moved here and we have been back together for 7 years. Six years ago God lead me to a local church and his spirit has in the last 6 years made a new man of me. I stopped drinking and smoking and helped me overcome masturbation. God has since blessed me by allowing me to lead music in his house that I attend. I feel like I have lived this story. God bless you brother Joe!


Can we just admit that AI/ROBOTICS are FURTHER ALONG than they lead us to believe??….


Plz pray for me. Im in a cycle of sin and i know in my heart that i need things to change.


I love how you are so straightforward and don't sugar coat anything


MK Ultra mind control activates through specific words triggers the freeze.


Amen I also fall victim to sin from time to time. Please pray for me and my marriage to be restored, been separated form my wife for a little over 2 months now. But I'm seeing God's work. But please keep me and my family in prayer


Father In heaven, I don't understand many things, and I don't even think I need too, all I know is that my life is in your hands, Jesus.
Thank you for being patient with us.


I've preached the gospel to my family only to be mocked and rejected. I've come across Ezekiel 3:18-19 and was astounded!!! Just recently my eldest brother passed away. I hope he repented before he died. At his funeral pasyor Gros preached again of repentance. And that Jeus is the way, the truth, and the life. So they heard it again. I hope they open their hearts to Jesus. ❤


Joe you are spot on. I’m in the season now. The storm started 2 1/2 years ago. The Lord had been warning me for years to stop living for myself, stop coveting, and start forgiving. I did not listen. And January of this year He started to hand me over. He started to take my mind, my physical health and my emotional health. Things were getting really scary. I had a brother who took his own life five years ago. And I don’t know this for sure, but I believe I got a taste of what happened with him being tormented in his mind. It was hell on earth for me. It’s at the point where I am no longer able to work. I was forced to retire at the age of 55. But I am grateful to the Lord for giving me this chance to get myself right with Him. I am able to be in His word every day, in prayer and when I am strong enough, I am able to fast. The torment has left me although there are times where it starts to overtake me again and I just use my weapons of warfare of prayer, praise, worship, and focusing on God‘s promises. I have a long road ahead of me, but the Lord is with me and sustains me. Praise God! I am so thankful to Him for His mercy, His grace, His patience, and His love.
God bless you Joe. You’re being led by the Lord. May He bless you, your family and your ministry. From your sister in Christ. 🙌


This resonated greatly with me. I don’t ever want God to quit talking to me. I know I fall short but I respect God and I love him with my whole heart.


"Did you cry, when you heard the message of the cross, for the first time?"
Brother, I STILL cry, EVERY time I hear of the story of the cross. Especially in your videos, but even reading it in the Bible, or hearing it at church. It is both the saddest, and most beautiful story. And saved this wretched sinner! One of the things that get to me the most, is knowing... Even if I were the ONLY person in the whole world, He would have suffered the same, just for me. Thank you, Jesus! Hallelujah! (And thank you, Joe.)


I was Sitting in my chair crying like a baby and this video popped up in my Timeline..Oh Dear God Please forgive me for my sins and wash me clean..In God's Mighty name..Amen..ty so much I needed this message today ❤🙏🏾


"If today you hear his voice harden not your heart".


They call us crazy but never liars. The truth always comes to light.


We are not at war against flesh and blood!!!


Dude. The Book of Daniel is like an action novel. It's nuts. Potentially Jesus makes an appearance, furnaces and lions dens, interpretation of crazy dreams. Specific details about the end of the world. I was reading through Daniel about a month ago not able to put it down. Such an amazing book showing God working through people who shamelessly live for Him under God's rules.


I remember not long ago when you were feeling burnt out. I just want to say look at what the Lord has done. Your messages move me to dig in to the word and seek Jesus and His guidance from the Holy Spirit.
