Excel COUNTIF not blank ✅ in 1 MINUTE

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In Excel you can do a COUNTIF not blank calculation with a special variation of the COUNTIF function.
Note, that it is important that the cells really needs to be blank. If a cell contains a space, it will look empty but in reality it contains a text and then it will be counted as not blank.
For other example of the COUNTIF formula, like COUNTIF with multiple criteria or COUNTIF greater than, check out this video:
00:00 COUNTIF not blank
00:46 Sources of errors
Note, that it is important that the cells really needs to be blank. If a cell contains a space, it will look empty but in reality it contains a text and then it will be counted as not blank.
For other example of the COUNTIF formula, like COUNTIF with multiple criteria or COUNTIF greater than, check out this video:
00:00 COUNTIF not blank
00:46 Sources of errors
COUNTIF Not Blank / Quick Formula / Microsoft Excel
Excel COUNTIF not blank ✅ in 1 MINUTE
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