Excel Countif not Blank | Countif Not Equal to Blank

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#Excel #Countif, #not_Blank | Countif Not Equal to Blank
The COUNTIF function is an Excel function for counting the cells in a range that meets a single condition. #COUNTIF can be used to count cells that contain dates, numbers, and text. The blank cell is an empty cell.
imagine you have a whole bunch of data to work with and want to see how many blank cells are there. in this case, the best way is to use Excel #countif_function. after selecting the range of data, you can define your criteria as Less Than or Greater Than or "*". each of these does a certain type of thing which is completely explained in the video.

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How to count "If not blank" = "<>"

^^ Thank you so much! That's exactly what I was needing to figure out.

Just leaving it out there if someone wants to count if blank looks like this = "" two quotation marks next to each other.


Great! How can I use countif with greater than criteria?
