Jeet Kune Do - Bruce Lee - Flow Drill

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Chi-sao is not a method of fighting, it is a method of developing sensitivity in the arms so you can feel your opponent’s intentions and moves. Chi-sao teaches correct elbow position, the right type of energy, feeling for an opponent’s ‘emptiness’, and defending with minimum motion by keeping within the nucleus of the four corners. Movement in chi-sao is like a flowing stream, never still. Flowing from one position to another, chi-sao avoids the attaching of oneself to a particular object. The smoother and more constant your flow, the more you can take advantage of the opponent's most minute openings. All serious and professional teachers agree that effective sensitivity is only developed by practising this sticky-hands drill with a competent and skilled partner.
JKD instructor and philosophy lecturer Ricardo Vargas explains Lee’s method.
JKD instructor and philosophy lecturer Ricardo Vargas explains Lee’s method.