Death of the Sun | Future Timeline of the Solar System
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Over 4.6 billion years ago, the pre-solar nebula formed and began to collapse leading to the formation of the Sun. Within 50 million years, the Sun became a main-sequence star. Today, the sun remains in the main-sequence phase. The sun is not destined for a supernova, which occurs in case of massive stars, 8 to 15 times more massive than the sun. Instead, the Sun will passively eject its outer layers after the red giant phase and transform into a white dwarf.
In about 1.4 billon years in future, the Sun's habitable zone will shift beyond the Earth's orbit, making the Earth inhabitable. Mars may become suitable for habitability. The Sun slowly begins to shine. In the meantime, the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy begins to collide. There is a slight chance that the Solar System will be captured by Andromeda before the two galaxies fuse completely.
The temperatures on the inner planets of the Solar System begins to rise considerably. In about 5-7 billion years in the future, the Sun will have fused all of the hydrogen in the core and starts to burn hydrogen in a shell surrounding its core, thus ending its main sequence life. The Sun begins to grow dramatically more luminous, shinning up to 2,700 times brighter. At the same time it expands to become as large as 250 times its current size. The surface temperature of the Sun begins to decline, from 5,778 K down to 2,600 K. The Sun is now in the red-giant phase.
Mercury, Venus and possibly Earth may be swallowed by the swelling Sun, in spite of the increase of the radius of orbits of the planets. During this time, Saturn's moon Titan may become habitable. Subsequently, the Sun passes helium-burning horizontal-branch and asymptotic-giant-branch phases, losing a total of ~30% of its mass in all post-main-sequence phases. The asymptotic-giant-branch phase ends with the ejection of its outer layers as a planetary nebula, leaving the dense core of the Sun behind as a white dwarf.
The white dwarf hence formed, is extremely dense; 1 teaspoon of which weighs about 5,000 kg. The orbits of the remaining planets increases. Some of them may even collide or escape the Solar System. The white dwarf has only 54% mass of the Sun, but stuffed within a size of the Earth, resulting in extreme densities. Gradually in the next 1 quadrallion years, the white dwarf keeps cooling, eventually reaching 5 K. At this stage, what remains is a black dwarf, that shines no more. Hence, our home planet will be no more.
Music in this video:
1. End of Silence - Nova (feat. Úyanga Bold)
2. ScoreHero - Infinity Orbit
3. IMAscore - Fly Up
In about 1.4 billon years in future, the Sun's habitable zone will shift beyond the Earth's orbit, making the Earth inhabitable. Mars may become suitable for habitability. The Sun slowly begins to shine. In the meantime, the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy begins to collide. There is a slight chance that the Solar System will be captured by Andromeda before the two galaxies fuse completely.
The temperatures on the inner planets of the Solar System begins to rise considerably. In about 5-7 billion years in the future, the Sun will have fused all of the hydrogen in the core and starts to burn hydrogen in a shell surrounding its core, thus ending its main sequence life. The Sun begins to grow dramatically more luminous, shinning up to 2,700 times brighter. At the same time it expands to become as large as 250 times its current size. The surface temperature of the Sun begins to decline, from 5,778 K down to 2,600 K. The Sun is now in the red-giant phase.
Mercury, Venus and possibly Earth may be swallowed by the swelling Sun, in spite of the increase of the radius of orbits of the planets. During this time, Saturn's moon Titan may become habitable. Subsequently, the Sun passes helium-burning horizontal-branch and asymptotic-giant-branch phases, losing a total of ~30% of its mass in all post-main-sequence phases. The asymptotic-giant-branch phase ends with the ejection of its outer layers as a planetary nebula, leaving the dense core of the Sun behind as a white dwarf.
The white dwarf hence formed, is extremely dense; 1 teaspoon of which weighs about 5,000 kg. The orbits of the remaining planets increases. Some of them may even collide or escape the Solar System. The white dwarf has only 54% mass of the Sun, but stuffed within a size of the Earth, resulting in extreme densities. Gradually in the next 1 quadrallion years, the white dwarf keeps cooling, eventually reaching 5 K. At this stage, what remains is a black dwarf, that shines no more. Hence, our home planet will be no more.
Music in this video:
1. End of Silence - Nova (feat. Úyanga Bold)
2. ScoreHero - Infinity Orbit
3. IMAscore - Fly Up