“Will cloth diapering save me money?” #clothdiapers #baby
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YES, YES, YES! Esembly diapers can SAVE you over $2,000 PER BABY. They are a one-time purchase, and they can be saved and reused on future siblings down the road. Disposables are a recurring purchase until your baby potty trains, and they can definitely NOT be saved or reused. The Esembly system will cost you approx $1200 all-in (this includes Size 1 Inners and Outers, Size 2 Inners and Outer, Wipe-Ups, and enough Wipe-Up Wash and Washing Powder to get you through till potty training. And don’t stress, it does not all have to be purchased at once). Disposable diapers and wipes, on the other hand, will cost you approx $3200 from birth - potty training. Just think of all the fun things you can do with the $2,000 you’re not spending on disposables that just end up in the trash!