Does Cloth Diapering Really Save Money?? | YTMM Budget Tips Collab

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Hey guys, I'm participating in yet another collaboration with my friends at YouTube Mommy Meetup, and this time I'm talking about how to save money by cloth diapering your baby! Be sure to check out the playlist link below to watch all of the other budget tips from other YT moms every day this month! ↓ Open for more ↓

Cost analysis of disposable diapers vs cloth diapers. If you bargain shop with inexpensive disposable brands, buy diapers in bulk, and/or coupon, would using cloth diapers still really save you money? What if you have expensive taste and buy the more expensive cloth diapers, or build a very large stash? And what about the costs of laundering all that fluff? I talk about all that as well as tips on saving even more money while building your stash in this video!

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My daughter started potty training at 8 months. Because i always took her with me when i went potty myself .. At 8 and a hallf months she already got the hang of it would scoot to her potty chair to pee. But she refused to poop in it. At 9 months she was walking a bit and would hold on to the bathroom door frame to try and get herself over to the potty chair. By one year old she would tug at her diaper straps to tell me she wanted to go pee in her potty chair. By 18 months she was full out potty trained for poo too (in the day, but still needed diaper in the night).


If you buy 3000 cloth diapers because you love colors and prints etc. and only have one or two children the cloth diapering can be more expensive, but assuming you buy how many you actually need, there is no way cloth would ever get as expensive as the worst disposables.


We cloth diapered my son and I LOVED the money we saved from not having to buy disposables! We kept them also for whenever we have baby #2! We are a one income family so those savings were huge! -Casey


When I was pregnant with the Goof I was able to get disposables for really cheap because of couponing, sales, etc and spent $150 for diapers that lasted us 18 months. Then extreme couponing came out on TLC, high value coupons were more rare, stores stopped pairing sales with coupons, etc. We couldn't get those amazing deals this time around and we have two babies!
With the twins we did cloth but use disposables at night or when out all day. It has saved us a lot of money. we spent $350 for our stash and I wash every 2 days.


Love this! We bought a stash from BG for less than $500 when I was pregnant. Besides the two packs of disposables we bought, we haven't spent another penny on diapers for my 9 month old. It really is so nice to not have to worry about running out and having to go in the middle of the night to get diapers.


It has been the best video that I have watched about cloth Diapers, excellent, thank you vary much for all that information.


I did not go into cloth diapering to save money, and you can definitely tell if you ever look at my stash. As far as my "cheap" diapers go, I have over 100 of those, all retailing at around $10 each, and then we go into my WAHM diapers which I have about 50 or so of those and they retail from around $40-$100 each but we will average those around $50 per diaper. My all in cost has been around $3, 500 (for just the diapers, not the inserts but I have 1 hemp insert for each diaper and one 100% bamboo insert for each diaper and about 40 flats, 2 inserts for my daytime diapers and 2 inserts and a flat for my nighttime diapers I will say those costed me about $600 for just the inserts. I do not use microfiber that came with the cheap diapers, those just sit unused in a box in the storage closet). I started out on the cheaper side and fell in love with prints and then it was over. And then I found WAHM diapers.... Thank God I never intended to save money, because at this point, I know I will never see savings. My WAHM diapers do hold full retail value, and in such a large stash constantly being rotated through (yes, I do use every single diaper that I own) there will be no/very minimal wear and tear. And I still do wash twice weekly. I do not plan on selling any of my diapers. I plan on breaking up my cheap stash into. 4 lots of about 25 and giving those away and keeping my WAHM stash for my last baby whenever we do decide to have another. Once we are done with those, I will break those down into another 2 lots of 25 and giving those away. That way, while yes I did have a pretty large carbon footprint while purchasing all of these diapers, it will reduce that and diaper 6 more babies reducing theirs also for no start-up costs to them.


I feel like even with a stash your size of 1k wahatever dollars it’s still cheaper than disposables in the long run as the child ages. Especially if you intend to have another child. If still do it even if it were more expensive, have you seen what disposable diapers do to the ocean. That’s a lot of environmental damage when you think of 6-12 diaper changes a day multiplied by every baby to ever use disposable diapers.


Ebay is great. Have started a small stash at half the cost i would have any where else.


Thank you for the in-depth breakdown! You’re the first person I’ve heard that says she uses Persil! How do you like it?? I love Persil, but I’ve never used it on my diapers. Also, have you tried the free and clear Persil?? Thank you!


I am having my first baby in March and have bought a variety of nappies in preparation (mostly used). Thank you for uploading this video. #ytmm


Cloth diapers have come a long way from my home-made flat diapers I made in 1999. Thanks for crunching the numbers. Very interesting.


haha! I love hearing about how much other cloth diapering mamas spend on diapers - it doesn't make me feel as bad!!! :D :D :D BUT, I will say that after having spent too much on baby boy #1 cloth diapers, I'll have plenty for baby girl #2 coming soon in May! So it all works out! Loved your video!


Can you put prefolds inside the pocket diapers? Instead of an insert or along with an insert for extra absorbancy?


I sold off alot of my stuff and went with flats and covers love love love that choice !!! I did keep about 6 pockets. Even though I can't use them cause baby 8 can only use natural fibers :( buts its life ... u can cloth diaper for like $60


cloth diapered babies have less diaper rash issues. My grandson did not have a single diaper rash. We also used a home made spray that had tea tree oil.


Have you had any experience with gdiapers? I am curious about them.


Will Ariel laundry powder detergent work I’ve heard it’s like tide but better


Loved this video. I personally like a more expencive brand for australia being econaps and a cheaper brand being jumjums. I personally used cloth with my first 2 kiddies as i liked them. Was th8nk9ng doing only sposies with my now 7 month old daughter but i cant stand the smell of sposies so i spent money on a small stash only 18 nappies and i wash every 2 days and im so happy i did as we hit a hard pat h money wise and knowing im not spending $15ish a f/n on sposies helps as that money can go to food or bills. Deffanently saves me a bucket load!
I use pockets (jumjums) during the day and econaps as they have bamboo inserts 9ver night as i personally find bamboo inserts can hold my miss over night nicely for 8 hrs with no leeks. I also tend to use them when we go out and i know im not going to change little miss every 2-3 hrs.


wow this was so interesting, we have 4 kids and for the first 3 I was really turned off cloth after some leaky experiences I had with my eldest ( and these were a really expensive brand), but for our 4th I decided that I was just gunna do it ( I had a really talented friend that swore by it and convinced me that I was just getting the wrong ones - so she made me 12 or so as a baby gift and they are just awesome, so then I asked my mum for some more cloth nappies for my shower, so I built up my stash for free) and we have not had any leaky experiences ( I still do disposables for nap times, but the cloth nappies for the rest) I am kicking myself that I didn't do this for the other 3 kids as I would have had 1000s in my pocket. BUt oh well, our 4th is our last so I had to get it right (for me) sooner or later, tfs
