Does Cloth Diapering Really Save Money?? | YTMM Budget Tips Collab

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Hey guys, I'm participating in yet another collaboration with my friends at YouTube Mommy Meetup, and this time I'm talking about how to save money by cloth diapering your baby! Be sure to check out the playlist link below to watch all of the other budget tips from other YT moms every day this month! ↓ Open for more ↓
Cost analysis of disposable diapers vs cloth diapers. If you bargain shop with inexpensive disposable brands, buy diapers in bulk, and/or coupon, would using cloth diapers still really save you money? What if you have expensive taste and buy the more expensive cloth diapers, or build a very large stash? And what about the costs of laundering all that fluff? I talk about all that as well as tips on saving even more money while building your stash in this video!
We're a Navy family of four, and this is our TTC, Pregnancy and Parenting channel. Follow our growing family by subscribing :)
Can't Miss Videos:
Periscope: @Makinbabytaylor
Snapchat: thetaylorcrew4
Theme music:
Intro: Payday- Jason Farnham
(Youtube Audio Library)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Cost analysis of disposable diapers vs cloth diapers. If you bargain shop with inexpensive disposable brands, buy diapers in bulk, and/or coupon, would using cloth diapers still really save you money? What if you have expensive taste and buy the more expensive cloth diapers, or build a very large stash? And what about the costs of laundering all that fluff? I talk about all that as well as tips on saving even more money while building your stash in this video!
We're a Navy family of four, and this is our TTC, Pregnancy and Parenting channel. Follow our growing family by subscribing :)
Can't Miss Videos:
Periscope: @Makinbabytaylor
Snapchat: thetaylorcrew4
Theme music:
Intro: Payday- Jason Farnham
(Youtube Audio Library)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0