Juintech M1 Hydraulic Disc Brake Calipers - 1300 Mile Review

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I ended up putting over 2500 miles on this bike with these brake's last season & only had to adjust the brakes once and it only takes a minute with a twist of your fingers... No tools required. These brake's still work just fine and I could have waited until the brake pads wore down to replace them however I always put new brake pads on every season. I really like this brand for a number of reasons. To begin with when replacing your mechanical brakes with the Hydraulic Disc Brake Calipers you don't have to change out your brake cable's... You just simply use the already existing brake cable's that came with your bike. And the initial brake installation on your bike only takes 5 minutes... It's really simple. And to replace the brake pads you don't have to remove the brakes from your bike. You'll only need to adjust & open the brake pads all the way with a twist of your fingers. Pull a pin with an alan wrench and then pull out the pads with needle nose pliers... then simply drop the new pads back in place..., replace the pin and readjust your brake's with a twist of your fingers... It literally only takes only 5 minutes to change your brake pad as well.
Juintech M1 Hydraulic Disc Brake Calipers have a much greater stopping power than mechanical brakes with no noise. I like to call these brake's... "Worry Free Brake's" & would strongly recommend anyone to upgrade. I know that I enjoy riding my ebikes much more than I do working on them and these brake's take all that additional work out of the equation and gives you much more enjoyment & time riding your bike.
Now I'm not trying to sell these brake's nor do I receive any money from this... I'm just giving my thoughts about this product after using them for 1 season on 2 different ebikes and 3900 miles of road under my feet. And my thoughts are... These are amazing brakes and wouldn't want to live without them. Remember properly adjusted brakes ensure a good battery endurance and who wants to spend all there time adjusting brakes & draining your batteries faster... I know I don't.
If you decide to upgrade to the Hydraulic Disc Brake Calipers you should get very similar results as long as you're riding these bikes the way they are designed to be ridden. I've tested these brake's on 2 separate ebikes from 2 separate manufacturers. Don't ride the back brakes and do stunts like Evil Knievel. What I mean is that..., When you apply brake pressure to come to a stop or even slow down make sure that you are always using both brakes and not just the back brake because if you use only the back brake you'll get 50 to 75% less life out of the back brake pads and you'll be replacing them all the time. I mentioning this because I've had friends ride my bikes and I can always tell when they are only using the back brake so I have to mention it to them so they don't burn it out.
I've seen a cheaper brand of hydraulic disc brake calipers on the market called Zoom X Tech but I can't speak about the quality because I haven't used them. The only reason I didn't purchase Zoom is because I found a YouTube video of a guy that blew one of those brakes out within 600 miles. Now it may have just been a faulty brake but I didn't want to take any chances and end up with the same problem. I always check out hundreds of reviews that different people have via YouTube & through online searches before I make any of my purchases... That's how I found Lectric eBikes.
Keep in mind... You'll find lot's of different maker's of the hydraulic brake calipers on the market but you'll only find a couple that have the hydraulic calipers that just hook up to your existing cable's. So be careful and check that out before you make a purchase if you don't want to change out all of your brake cables with hydraulic fluid brake cables.
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