Juin Brakes: Initial Impressions | Install

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We give the Juin cable actuated hydraulic brakes a once over and install them on "The Sauce" aka the Schwinn Ascension mountain bike from Target Thanks to Berserker Nick for stopping by

0:00 @BerserkerNick Opener
0:42 Intro
0:56 On This Episode
3:07 Lets Take A Look
6:53 The Levers
8:39 Ascension Check
9:48 What's Up With The Brakes
11:30 ASMR-ish
12:50 Risk Internal Routing
14:00 Berserker Nick Speakes
16:49 "Moment of Truth"
18:02 Outro
18:18 A Little Bonus

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Great stuff guys, thanks for the ASMR version, it was worth it to see Wolfman's face when he knocked stuff over! Fantastic


Great video, guys! Can't wait to see the real-time review. Good luck!


Asian Spanish it’s all good baby hahaha
Cool cool video guys
We hope you feel better soon Wolfman
Get after those veggies baby


Tick "ASMR"
Wolfman "Hold my beer and cigar, I got this ASMR handled"

Wolfman's hemorrhoids flaring up? 🤣

Nice intro and explanation by Berserker. The cable on those brakes seemed thick.


Guys, I really like this product..it's made of both tech. of both sides of the argument. I hope your testing will prove their worth it. I've always liked mechanics of cable...but loved the tech of hydraulic advantage.
Please be (knowing that you Will.) honest with your review.
Troy 😎
P.s, that's you Tick...


Very good video as usual not bad looking brakes hope wolfman is better soon 👍


Arguably the best mech/hydro hybrid brakes on the market.


Post op Wolfman had me ROLLING!!! Dude was funny right from the start!

The rounded spacers are to correct for any deviation in the angle of the mounting bolts if you are using adapters for larger rotors. It keeps the bolt heads "flat" against the adapter surface.


Those look pretty solid. Bringing back the cable pull brakes! Love it! RTR next? Great video dudes.


Evening you guys
Watchin ya while sitting in the weekend traffic jams
Keep it up your great😊


Hey fellas and wolf tec Nation
Those adjustable brake levers were designed to be used with v brakes or cantilever brakes hence the two positions cantilever brakes have a short and v-brakes have a long arm. Two different leverage ratios
I do agree with you I felt a bit robbed the first time I used a set many years ago and I wanted to be able to adjust them just like the avid levers..
Still for the price they are very good. Oops I wrote this before I watch the full video and berserker was absolutely correct.


"Bravo Beserker" what an intro, guys you have revived faith in mech brakes wow, great episode well done guys.... wolfman get well soon bro. how are those P1 wheels working out i have em in 27.5 theyre awesome


10:44 If the pads were worn, and brakes were bled with the pads, the system is overfilled, so when you put new pads in they will constantly rub. But keep in mind the pistons need to be lubed from time to time. Only use the fluid the brake uses or compatible suspension grease.


Looking forward to the content...
Cheers gentlemen and you as well Tick...lol
Troy 😎
P.s Tick, besides your Dad being the star of the show.
I love the fact that you & your Dad get along as well as me and my Dad.
God bless you brother. 🙏


10:07 Early batches of Sram Level, Code had issues with master piston seals swelling during hot summer days, it locked the brakes. But replacements solved that I think.
But if you use mineral oil in Dot brakes or Dot in mineral oil brakes, the pistons will swell and brake won't work.


I’m surprised no one has told you a fix for the Avid brakes. Very simple. DOT fluid attracts moisture, thus adds water to the bladder which over fills it. Where the line goes into the lever, turn that large rubber boot to expose the bleed screw. Remove the bleed screw.Remove 13:26 the caliper from the frame/ fork. Put a pad spreader tool and push the pistons back on both sides. Excess fluid will shoot out of the bladder. Put the bleed screw back in, then put the caliper back on pull the lever and good as new.
We encounter this with Avid brakes at the shop at least once a week.


I want my brain cells back after watching this.


16:04 The rounded spacers are used for making the caliper flush with the rotor. But if the frame has been properly manufactured, brake mounts have been faced, no paint overspray it should be fine without.
The tool is not cheap, but easy to get, as ParkTool offers it.


I just installed some hydraulic brakes on my Aggressor Pro. Some MT200 brakes and they work great.


Avid hydraulic brakes were doing that for many years.
You would go to get on a bike after not riding it for a while and the brakes would be locked up.
A quick fix is to put some sort of catchment underneath the bleed screw on the side of the caliper so it does not drip onto the brake pads or disc rotor or your floor.
Then in one hand have the star drive tool to undo the caliper bleed screw in the other hand have the brake lever and gently squeeze the break lever just a tiny little bit and undo the brake bleed screw just a little bit so you get a little bit of oil seeping out then do the screw back up before releasing the lever.
You might have to do this a couple of times and you may have to take the wheel out and push the brake cylinders back into the brake caliper housing after doing this then put the wheel back in squeeze the lever a few times to get the pads back into there normal operating position then realign the brake calipers.
Hence I never have had Avid brakes on one of my bikes and I would not go near them though they were better than Hays brakes by a country mile. But that's another story.
I always used Shimano and never had a problem like this.
I will say that I have purchased the second hand bike recently with Sram/ Avid Guide RSC twin pot calipers and 180mm rotors
And they are the best brakes I have ever used
