Spark Interview Questions and Answers || Apache Spark Tutorial

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Question & Answers
Q1: Why Spark Needed ?
Q2: Why Spark when Hadoop is already there ?
Q3: Explain Spark Stack ?
Q4: What is the architecture of Spark?
Q5: How Spark is working?
Q6: On which all platform can Apache Spark run?
Q7: Tell some Use Cases of Apache Spark?
Q8: What are the limitations of Spark?
Q9: What is the architecture of YARN?
Q10: What Is RDD in Spark ?
Q11: When we should use RDDs ?
Q12: How to create an RDD ?
Q13: When we create an RDD, does it bring the data and load it into the memory?
Q14: What is DataFrame and Datasets in Spark?
Q15: When we should use RDD, DataFrame and Datasets in Spark?
Q16: What is SparkContext?
Q17: What is the execution flow if you submit an application to the cluster with spark-submit ?
Q18: What are the ways to launch Spark over YARN?
Q19: How to differentiate YARN Client Mode, YARN Cluster Mode and Spark Standalone ?
Q20: What are the various storages from which Spark can read data ?
Q21: What is lazy evaluation and how is it useful ?
Q22: How does Reduce work in spark ?
Q23: Why and How to integrate Hive on Spark ?
Q24: What are the input source to support Spark Streaming ?
Q25: What is lineage graph ?
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Dude.. These aren't good enough to crack the interview....
