What causes night sweats & its management? - Dr. Mahesh DM

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Night sweats is usually uncommon because usually we now that the temperature is low in the night and therefore we don’t sweat unless it is a very hot summer where you know that you are sleeping on the top floor and there is no AC and you sweat, so typically that is known as night sweats. The night sweats is because of many causes. Few I would like to discuss is which are typically related to endocrine problems. The first one is a low sugar, that is a hypoglycemia, that is the sugars will come down, you can have sweating in the night especially in people who are taking insulin or medicines or who won’t eat properly. It can be because of hypoglycemic disorder which is known as insulinemia where the sugar values can come very low and you can getting sweat in the night even though they are not on any medicine. The third important cause is that sometimes patients with thyroid problems can have increased thyroid levels in the body and that can cause sweating which can be there in the day tine and also sometimes even in the night. These are the typical causes of night sweats we need to look at. Rarely it can be seen in patients with psychiatric disorders where they can have nightmares and adrenal glands are hyper functioning due to stress levels and therefore they can have sweating. There is another important cause of night sweats which is typically seen. Usually in post-menopausal women, that’s women who attain menopause, usually in the age group of 45 to 50, usually hot flushes, night sweats, variation of hormonal levels will cause lot of mood disturbance, sweating, temperature going up, feeling of fever. This typical symptom is called as hot flushes which can be seen in women who attain menopause, it can be seen in one year of menopause and it can extend upto 2 to 3 years after attaining menopause. So you consult an appropriate doctor, a gynecologist or an endocrinologist and some medicines which are available which can reduce the intensity of these symptoms. They usually reduce over a period of time. These night sweats also seen in other who undergo surgery like patients who are undergoing prostatic cancer or testicular cancer have removal of their external genital organ, namely the testis. So they can cause sudden decrease of their testosterone levels and that can cause sweating and night sweats, hot flushes. In men it is not common, but it is a condition we need to remember. Women who undergo removal of the uterus, along with that if their ovaries are also removed, then they can have these symptoms post-surgery, so these are the various reasons why you can have night sweats and you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause and take appropriate medicines accordingly.