Overcoming Anhedonia and Lack of Desire | Journal on THIS Question

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Anhedonia is the inability to feel pleasure in normally pleasurable activities. It's one of the hallmarks of depression. In this video I talk about not always being in 'obligation mode'. I invite you to make a space in your life where you sit with the question: What do I want? This is one of the most healthy and profound practices we can start to cultivate regularly in our lives.

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Dr. David Maloney is a Psychologist and therapist. His has trained in a variety of techniques (person-centered, Gestalt, ACIM, psychodynamic) and works with people on a wide variety of issues. His main areas of expertise are in self-esteem, motivation, and relationships.
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I want this pain of living to be over. Tried everything since 17, that was 50 years ago. I've had enough. Life isn't with suffering everyday.


I’ve had horrible anhedonia and apathy for the last two years . I can’t feel pleasure from physical sensations like eating, touch or sex or even bathing . I also struggle with socialising as I can’t feel or express emotions anymore . It’s truly depressing that all my joy and pleasure in life has gone, and that’s it’s happened at such a young age . I can barely motivate myself to eat sometimes because I am so anhedonic or get out of bed


So simple and yet so hard to put in practice. For me, to be in nature is something I like to do, but it's not a life purpose. I cannot think of something I really want. I would love to have some guidance on how to discover / uncover what you want.


I have anhedonia because I have too much time on my hands, depression and grief. I force my to do things. Nothing gives me joy. I hate it!


Thanks & good job. I retired early. I do whatever I want every day. The problem is that after escaping wage slavery, there isn't much that motivates me. If you have everything you need & want, why do anything?


I feel the desire but I either don’t act on them or if I do, I don’t enjoy it the way I used to. Like For a long while I haven’t been able to fully enjoy my books. I could start the series in love and then suddenly meh. I thought I was being overly critical or that my taste changed, but it didn’t. I just don’t enjoy things easily anymore


The only desires I have is for basic bodily functions; Eat, Sleep, Defecate. In the 2 years I have been affected i have found nothing that motivates me. Not even self preservation.


What if it's one's own bad decisions throughout life, resulting in present terrible financial, physical, and social situations, that have resulted in the feeling of not caring much anymore about anything and feeling that there's no hope for really ever improving any of those situations?


Nothing. I don't want sounds, I don't want touch. I don't want to see anything. I want no stimulation. 0 and I want to stay there


Great advice and very calming voice. Thank you for the great video!


I recommend eating something very sour, like strawberry candies covered in sour. It really hits your gluten receptors and you'll feel instantly energized.


The only desire I have is to use heroin and other drugs. I've been in recovery for three years now. I have therapy and go to groups. The next desire after the drugs I cannot take is exercise but I only do that so I'm not in a bad place rather than look forward to it. In fact pretty much all I do is because I know it's good for me rather than enjoy it.. I also have emotional numbness and really loved your video on it. It was the so spot on it freaked me out. I'm gonna start watching the numbness and not judging it. I can feel anger and stress and sometimes anxiety. I don't feel sadness or guilt or even the atmosphere of a day. Like twilight used to have a feeling but now it's not. Why can I feel anger and stress but pretty much ALL other emotions are very very subdued?
Any other tips?


this video is great. As someone wo lacks desire and as a consequence of that lacks motivation to engage in new things i think the tone is perfect. a little word that i can give from my own experience is that instructions on improvement don't work so well on the first steps, empahy and advice are much more important to the people that are just beggening the road of self improvement. And sometimes to people that have been threading it for a while


I feel emotions but the only one I cant is any joy or happiness. My brain just started to tell me how I did not enjoy the things I like (possibly intrusive thoughts) and now I lost any joy of things I once loved to do. I am so lost and overcome with grief at this. And I don't even know how it happened. One day it just did and i am suffering from it immensely.


I was treated with trintellix. It was stopped, because it wasnt more availible in Germany. After tapering i was totally emotionally numb and brainfog. I feel drowsiness all the time. The only feeling is a little anxiety after caffein. Is this caused by the medication? I feel depersonalisation and derealisation. Its horrible. Is this a braindamage?
Thanks for your answer


Oh this is a miracle thank you for changing my life & so quickly.


These people took your voice to make their video


I have had anhedonia for 3 years from opioid use. I started using then when i was like 19 and stopped when i was 23. Mainly bubrenorphine, sometimes oxycodone. And stimulants here and there. I just think i have permanently damaged my normal dopamine functioning and stuff. I excercise 4 times a week, try to eat good food even thought i just do not feel like doing any of those things. This just sucks man. So i have not used for 3 years. Still strong cravings, suicidal thoughts sometimes, nothing gives me joy anymore.. I am worried if this continues for the rest of my life. I excercise regularly, cardio, gym and i am in a good shape. I still do not get enjoyment from lifting weights and that was my favourite thing before my addiction..


Brilliant & yet simple.

Thank you.


Lyme diseases, negative schizophrenia..toxoplasmosis
