Online rumors making search for 5-year-old Summer Wells more difficult

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Investigators say people are reporting the rumors as tips, bogging down the investigation and taking a toll on the girl's family.
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Praying for all working on Summer's case& for a miracle 🙏💜🌛🙏💜🌛🙏💜🌛🙏💜🌛🙏💜🌛🙏💜🌛


I've only seen 1 or 2 channels delivering unbiased information. I unsubscribed quite a few today. It's ridiculous. Everyone thinks they're experts now.


This is hypocritical. Saying YTers are doing it for profit. The news makes money for reporting stories, including missing stories. Even reporters earn a salary for reporting stories, including missing stories. AND including the Summer Wells story. Tell me you haven't reported more on this because it is a popular story. Aren't you profiting? Face it, you ran out of something to report on and came up with this angle.


Why are their kids online reading all the stuff about the case? That's extremely inappropriate.


We can speculate all we want, but please don’t call TBI with rumors, theories & speculation. :( 🙏🏼💜


Big media salty asf because YT creators are doing more journalism than they are .


No one said this about any other famous case. This has been going on since Jon Benett


Why are the parents letting the boys see social media? They can block the children off social media. Give them age appropriate access. They have no boundaries that family.


I believe she was long gone before the phone call. The husband said he knew she was gone and outa town by now. They speak past tense...


These channels might be speculating, but they are all keeping Summer's face out there and they are all praying for the best and that Summer is found unharmed. I do agree that people shouldn't be calling in tips unless they have an actual fact based tip.


actually if it wasn’t for YouTube content creators this case wouldn’t hav gotten this far-meaning if content creator on YouTube hadn’t of asked candUs if the video of Summer on milk jugs n the back seat was the day of her gone missing-we probably would never known. if u were real reporters U would hav interviewed candUs long ago.


Oh my goodness! I cannot believe they put the channels on blast😂


If you have a channel on here and are making a profit from this story then shame on you.


I have my own opinions about the case, but haven't bothered the TBI or FBI with my own thoughts or limited "online" research. I'm not even ON Facebook, so can't scroll through those threads and comments. However, I find it very ODD that many folks have a "hands off" approach towards the family and act as if they are above reproach. If anything, I have seen most YouTube "investigators" follow this approach. Why is beyond me. Some say it's because they are "country people, " Appalachian people, or poor people, so we just can't understand their mode of living, behavior, and culture! Excuse me, I lived in the country until I was 10, and my husband is from Appalachia, and neither of our families behave or look like these folks! Both Don and Candus Wells have had trouble with the law. Don has a prison record. Candus lost her eldest 2 children to her sister Rose Marie Bly, after Rose reported Candus for using meth to CPS. Then CPS placed Candus' children with Rose. In 2009, Rose Marie Bly went missing, without a trace, and has never been seen again. Candus's eldest 2 kids were raised in foster care. This is such a sad situation. I guess, what I am afraid of, is that the local LE, TBI, and FBI have fallen for the lies of the smooth talking "I'm just a Christian good ol' boy" Don Wells. I pray the LE can see through their manipulation, con, and lies. Good Lord, keep the boys off social media! I'm sorry, but the last thing that I'd be worried about, if I had a missing 5 year old daughter, would be online rumors and getting my fee fees hurt! If someone in my family were to go missing, you can bet I'd expect to be looked at by LE. After all, NO ONE is going to prison for ANYTHING until they are convicted, with substantial evidence, in a court of law. John Walsh has spoken countless times about this.


I am still praying for Summer and her family. I am still hoping they find her alive. People be kind and considerate. If Summer's Parents has nothing to do with it then it will be shaming for allot of people. Her brothers may one day read the comments and people have been hard on this family. So please consider the feelings of the boys at the very least. If they find they did something to her then it will be hard enough on those boys. What if it were your family or your children. Just be kind.


We rebuke those who add nothing and only divide. So sad... We Pray for the family and Summer, that she comes home...


God please bring Summer home so her family can have some answers.


Im sorry the parents showed no emotion and spoke of Summer in past tense. They made themselves suspicious. As well as the mothers sister missing is very disturbing


A missing child with an open case of child abuse with CPS on the situation is a gross negligence. That the public demands answers and demands to know what happened to this child. Keep up the pressure. Too many missing children on their watch.


Yeah the rumors about this family need to stop, none of us are perfect parents.
