Top 3 Causes of Miscarriage - Dr. Pooja Bansal of Cloudnine Hospitals | Doctors’ Circle
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The miscarriages what we see on patient basis is around 15% of miscarriages are due to the wastages of pregnancy. The wastages of pregnancy means the pregnancy itself the gamete itself or the egg itself is not of a good quality . When the egg is not of a good quality, the body and the nature itself tries to refuse it, and try to not let it growth. These are the commonest reason of the miscarriages what we see. There could be other cause also, if you have some of the uterine anomalies. Uterine anomalies means if you have a septate uterus or a bicornuate uterus, you have incompetent cervix, you have something called as fibroids polyps or some of the major infections. These are the few causes of anatomical causes of miscarriage. They are causes which are medical causes of miscarriages. The medical causes of miscarriages are generally of your sugar levels are very high, you are diabetic or your thyroid is very high, you have PCOD or have hyperprolactinemia or you have obesity . Obesity and age plays a very important role in miscarriages. The third important cause of miscarriage is autoimmune disorders. Autoimmune disorders means APLA syndrome or Anti Phospholipids Antibody Syndrome, here in the common language what we see is the clotting of blood and that will not let the baby grow and that is one of the commonest we see now. There are certain percentage in pregnancy which is unexplained miscarriages, and after all investigations also we are not able to detect the cause of miscarriage.