TRIGGERED Jaywalker Throws Object At Us [PISSED Over a Horn Honk]

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Triggered jaywalker throws an object at us but misses by an inch. He was severely angered over a toot of the horn, for something HE did wrong. Vehicular traffic had the right-of-way in this case, due to our green arrow and his 'DO NOT WALK' signal, but he crossed anyway, causing a brief traffic disruption. So much anger. People are losing their minds and going crazy. He's lucky he didn't go to jail! Throwing objects (any objects whatsoever) at a moving vehicle is a crime; sometimes even a felony.

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There will surely be people commenting, claiming that pedestrians “always” have the right-of-way, which is 100% NOT true. Although pedestrians have the right-of-way in all crosswalks, they do not have the right-of-way and are not allowed to cross the street when facing a 'DO NOT WALK' signal or against a green light. That is only one of two instances where a pedestrian does not have right-of-way in a crosswalk. Any other time, they do. Pedestrians are required by law to obey all traffic signals.

People who don't fully understand the concept of “right-of-way” will argue that pedestrians always have the right-of-way, due to the fact that drivers are not legally allowed to purposefully or neglectfully hit pedestrians. This is true. By law, a driver must exercise due caution and avoid hitting pedestrians the very best they can no matter the circumstances. However, these people are incorrectly associating that fact with the application of 'right-of-way' in a legal sense. Of course you aren't allowed to hit pedestrians if such a collision could reasonably be avoided, but that doesn't mean the pedestrian that got hit necessarily had the right-of-way. Right-of-way just means who is supposed to yield to whom, for the purpose of establishing a predictable order on the streets. Right-of-way is also taken into account when assigning fault in a collision. When your light is green, you legally have the right-of-way over cross traffic and pedestrians with a 'Do Not Cross' light, but you also have the legal duty to try your very best to avoid hitting anyone that might be running their red light or walking out into your path. Right-of-way does NOT mean you can just go ahead and hit the pedestrian on purpose or negligently even if said pedestrian was in the wrong. I hope this clears things up.


People running after moving cars like they're going to catch it is the funniest shit


The lack of common sense these days is astonishing.


I once had a pedestrian hit the trunk of my car while I was trying to make a turn at a very crowded intersection in NYC. It's already hard enough trying turn when there are 10, 000 people crossing the street at the same time.


Getting angry and combative is easier than admitting fault.


Oh boy, lit that youngster's tampon fuse....that's shrapnel from the tampon you saw going across the street.


Never get in a fight with anyone in a car.
Because they win. Every single time.
I don’t care if you’re literally a hulking thor-like titan and the guy driving has cerebral palsy…
You can’t face up against a car.
Just don’t get in a fight, and watch where you’re going.


Me MAD! Me chase down car! Me missing some chromosome!!


People walking at do-not-walk signs are just so incredibly common in Austin now. It's still so infuriating. Like. They're there for everyone's protection dude, including your ass not turning into a pancake if someone doesn't see you walking across the street! And then yeah, they get mad just like this. Just baffles me.

Almost to the point where I feel like I'm doing something wrong if traffic is waiting for me to cross before my walk light comes on! Arg.


Send this video to the police, have him charged with littering.


if pedestrians always have the right of way, then more pedestrians will be killed from getting run over
That's equivalent to an old saying that the customer is always right, which isn't always true

They're just messed up in the head that's all


hmmm let's pick a fight with a multi thousand pound vehicle. Shows you the amount of IQ people in the world have. Awesome catch, stay safe out there!


Every time I think "Oh, I should honk at this pedestrian/cyclist." I think about something like this happening and I don't end up honking. But then again, most of the time the person doing this is some crazy looking homeless person. So probably better to not set them off.


Would this happen if the horn was not used? Seem's like a horn wakes up "stupid" people.


The whole country is pissy these days.


Everybody acts tough, until they get punched in the mouth .


Funny, his father had poor aim as well. How do you think he ended up being born?


So they were jaywalking and littering? Such upstanding citizens, don't you know they have the right of way?

Kidding aside I love how people flip when you call them out on their BS. It amazes me how fragile some folks' egos can be over the most banal things


Reminds me of when the black lady crossing the street illegally threw that ball of lip balm and almost hit me in the face.


Please bring back the air horn! Lol.
Also, just found out that my son’s new college roommate is from St. Helena (I think his parents own a winery up there). So I’m already thinking of a trip to tour all the familiar spots in your videos. Maybe I’ll hang out all day on Mitchell at Main waiting to make the non-existent left turn, until you happen by and honk at me.
