Quantum Computing • Jessica Pointing • GOTO 2019

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This presentation was recorded at GOTO Copenhagen 2019. #GOTOcon #GOTOcph
Jessica Pointing - Award-winning Quantum Computing Researcher
Solving certain types of problems can take billions of years on our current conventional computers. Quantum computers, however, could potentially solve these types of problems in just seconds. Quantum computers have the potential to impact many fields, such as machine learning, medicine, and energy systems. What is possible in the future with quantum computers? How do quantum computers work? How do you program a quantum computer? How much progress have we made? [...]
Read the full abstract here:
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Jessica Pointing - Award-winning Quantum Computing Researcher
Solving certain types of problems can take billions of years on our current conventional computers. Quantum computers, however, could potentially solve these types of problems in just seconds. Quantum computers have the potential to impact many fields, such as machine learning, medicine, and energy systems. What is possible in the future with quantum computers? How do quantum computers work? How do you program a quantum computer? How much progress have we made? [...]
Read the full abstract here:
#QuantumComputing #QuantumComputers #QC
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