Quantum Computing (explained with doughnuts) - Jessica Pointing

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Because atoms and subatomic particles behave in strange and complex ways, classical physics can not explain their quantum behavior. However, when the behavior is harnessed effectively, systems become far more powerful than classical computers… quantum powerful. Jessica Pointing, quantum computing researcher, unpacks this topic with a fascinating primer.

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Jessica, Kudos on the video. Seriously, it's perhaps best explanation I've watched (in too many cases, 'suffered' would be more accurate); and I've seen many in my quest as a retired professional to learn about this fascinating area. As such, this video deserves more exposure. You did an especially great job pointing out the IMMENSE impact once the technology commercializes. And that is important for general public to become aware.


Great explanation. I loved the props you used and the atmosphere of fun around the whole presentation. You have definitely increased my understanding of quantum computing.
