Children Shouldn't Have Religious Labels

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Children Shouldn't Have Religious Labels
There are some arguments against religion that won't get you very far with most religious people. For example, saying that religion is harmful to society. For most people, their church does a lot of volunteer work and mission trips and makes them feel good, so you're not gonna get anywhere by telling them otherwise.
But there's a certain argument that I think even they will get on board with. And it's one that was popularized by Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion. It's the idea that we shouldn't put religious labels on children.
That means we shouldn't say that a kid is Catholic. Or that a baby is Muslim. It just doesn't make any sense since those kids probably don't know what that entails. I mean, the baby can't even speak, but you're telling me it fully accepts the Qur'an?
That's ridiculous. And yet it happens all the time.
Now, I get why religious parents would want to raise their kids in their religion, but it doesn't mean the kid has committed to it. So we shouldn't be okay with the phrase "Christian child." There's no such thing. There's only a "child with Christian parents."
To paraphrase the example Dawkins uses in his book, it would also make no sense to say: This 2-year-old is a Republican. Or that little girl is Socialist. That kid is eating styrofoam it found on the floor; it hasn't joined a political party yet.
It's almost a joke, but it's actually a really horrible thing when we give kids certain labels before they're old enough to make a decision for themselves on issues they actually need to think about.
And everyone accepts that when it comes to politics or philosophies.
Kids aren't born with specific ideologies. No baby is ever thinking transgender people don't deserve civil rights. Bigotry and beliefs have to be taught. And they can change. And when we assign kids certain labels prematurely, that makes it a lot harder for them to get away from it all.
There's even a debate going on right now about gender, with some progressives saying it's not right to tell a kid, based solely on genitalia, that she's a girl who like dolls and cooking and not sports.
And even if you think PC Principal goes a little too far, I think everyone can admit we assign a lot of traits to children based on our own thinking, and not on what the kids actually want, because they're not old enough yet to start exploring this stuff.
Why do you think a lot of people have to "come out" as being gay? Because they were told from birth that boys are supposed to like girls and vice versa. And when they didn't, they thought something was wrong with them! And there wasn't.
Which, let's admit, is probably why religious people do this. They know that if they waited until kids were, you know, teenagers before introducing religion to them, they'd never take it seriously. Like, the communion wafer is literally Jesus' body? You're got to be shitting me.
It's so much easier to just tell the kid from the moment it's conscious that it's Hindu or Lutheran or Mormon. Those kids grow up thinking, "oh, that's what I am, so I guess this is what I believe!"
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There are some arguments against religion that won't get you very far with most religious people. For example, saying that religion is harmful to society. For most people, their church does a lot of volunteer work and mission trips and makes them feel good, so you're not gonna get anywhere by telling them otherwise.
But there's a certain argument that I think even they will get on board with. And it's one that was popularized by Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion. It's the idea that we shouldn't put religious labels on children.
That means we shouldn't say that a kid is Catholic. Or that a baby is Muslim. It just doesn't make any sense since those kids probably don't know what that entails. I mean, the baby can't even speak, but you're telling me it fully accepts the Qur'an?
That's ridiculous. And yet it happens all the time.
Now, I get why religious parents would want to raise their kids in their religion, but it doesn't mean the kid has committed to it. So we shouldn't be okay with the phrase "Christian child." There's no such thing. There's only a "child with Christian parents."
To paraphrase the example Dawkins uses in his book, it would also make no sense to say: This 2-year-old is a Republican. Or that little girl is Socialist. That kid is eating styrofoam it found on the floor; it hasn't joined a political party yet.
It's almost a joke, but it's actually a really horrible thing when we give kids certain labels before they're old enough to make a decision for themselves on issues they actually need to think about.
And everyone accepts that when it comes to politics or philosophies.
Kids aren't born with specific ideologies. No baby is ever thinking transgender people don't deserve civil rights. Bigotry and beliefs have to be taught. And they can change. And when we assign kids certain labels prematurely, that makes it a lot harder for them to get away from it all.
There's even a debate going on right now about gender, with some progressives saying it's not right to tell a kid, based solely on genitalia, that she's a girl who like dolls and cooking and not sports.
And even if you think PC Principal goes a little too far, I think everyone can admit we assign a lot of traits to children based on our own thinking, and not on what the kids actually want, because they're not old enough yet to start exploring this stuff.
Why do you think a lot of people have to "come out" as being gay? Because they were told from birth that boys are supposed to like girls and vice versa. And when they didn't, they thought something was wrong with them! And there wasn't.
Which, let's admit, is probably why religious people do this. They know that if they waited until kids were, you know, teenagers before introducing religion to them, they'd never take it seriously. Like, the communion wafer is literally Jesus' body? You're got to be shitting me.
It's so much easier to just tell the kid from the moment it's conscious that it's Hindu or Lutheran or Mormon. Those kids grow up thinking, "oh, that's what I am, so I guess this is what I believe!"
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