John 2:23-3:19 - Skip Heitzig

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This teaching is from our series 43 John - 2016 with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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This sermon is such an eye opener for me as one who worked with many, many patients in hospice. I would pleaded with folks to trust and call on the Lord, acknowledge their a sinner, give their lives to the Lord in those lasts months, days, minutes, seconds at the end of their lives…some heard, but some choose to take their chances and some out right refused…those who out right refused the Lord was just plain awful to watch not enough meds would help to comfort these folks, they died a painful death, at least from the earthly side..I wouldn’t want to know what they were facing on the other side.
Friends…nothing in this world is worth your true salvation and your eternal life. Just to let you and everyone know…none of my patients took anything with them..not even their bodies.
May we choose The Lord before our last breath 🙏❤️


Thank you pastor skip God bless calvary church and you and family stay safe, every day listening with your teaching is power motivator to stay positive in life Jesus loves me thank you


When i think i have heard my favorite teaching i hear another one.
God Gave His Whole being. His Life
God help me to give all my heart body and soul to Him. Oh have I long to see My Savior my Lord Amen 🙏


Thank you Pastor Skip. In addition to confirming a few things I am enriched and encouraged by new insights. The Word is never out of season - it’s now 2023


Wow I believe the wind has touched my heart from the cross the Gospels always bring a washing and a cleansing of his love, Thank you Jesus, thank you brother Skip and family. Glory for Father God...


Thank you for Wonderful sermon and God bless you brother Skip . greetings from Sweden


My favorite Bible teacher!! Incredible blessings have flowed to my spirit with increased understanding and spirit in dwelling to help me understand some mysterious that have caused me to go deeper


Did want to add - I do say born again Christian - for a reason.

When a person tells me they are a Christian - I ask them what they mean. The responses are shocking.

So yes, all true believers are born again, but not all professing Christians are born again.

Sometimes saying born again leads to a conversation - it all depends on if God is softening hearts or not


Romans 7:9 KJVS
For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.


I wonder why we skipped over verses 1 through 22 we skipped the whole changing the water into wine there's so many lessons from that and then cleansing the temple?


Why do so many pastors miss the opportunity to pound the table when verses come up with “in his name”.

His name is Yeshua which means “God saves” NOT works save, money saves, going to church saves, Mary saves, the apostles save, rituals save BUT

God saves. - the Bible gives so many clues to redemption and salvation - what other name could Jesus have had on earth.

My experience - 9 out of 10 Christians don’t know what Jesus’ name means.


EzekiEl 36, Ephesians 5, 1 Peter, now you are clean.


The Son of man has come to give me a new birth.


In other words, the Church teaches that Baptism by water is a medial necessity for salvation. It should also be added that the Church holds that in a case of emergency Baptism by water can be replaced by Baptism of desire or Baptism by blood if certain conditions are met (Ott, 356). Now where does this idea of Baptism as a medial necessity for salvation arise from? The answer, in short, is that the Church bases, in large part, Her teaching on Baptism by water as a medial necessity for salvation, upon John 3:5 - "Amen, amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." In the early centuries of the Church this text was interpreted to mean (1) that Baptism by water is necessary for salvation, and (2) that Baptism by water is regenerative in its effect (i.e., the Sacrament of Baptism communicates to the baptized, through grace, a participation in the Divine Life such that the baptized now lives by a supernatural life principle which he, before Baptism, did not possess [Ott, 256]). In this essay I intend to view the manner in which this twofold Johannine meaning of Baptism played itself out in early conciliar and non-conciliar documents."

Also read titus 3:5


There is a whole video missing of John 2:1-23??? How can I get that video.


I’m confused about “ being born of water” if Baptism was not something necessary in Jesus time, then why was John The Baptist Baptizing? I personally believe Jesus is speaking about a spiritual cleansing but am confused about John Baptizing others. Thank you


We were NOT born spiritually dead.
We are born with flesh that is corrupt but we are NOT guilty of sin UNTIL WE SIN !

Romans 7:9 KJVS
For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.


I love you and this message Skip, but "nic at night"? Phew! Dad joke alert!


The reference of born of water and born of spirit is a reference to the first birth, the birth of the flesh in which a mother's "water breaks", the baby is born out of a womb full of water. The second birth is a spiritual birth. It is to be born of the spiritual water of the Holy Spirit.


After listening to this, it makes me understand the ridiculous pronoun issue we have today. We, our. Jesus used them in his speech. John 3:11. People become numb to what they hear all the time.
