What Happens When Women Shave Their Face | Skin Of Colour | Brown Or Black Skin | #shorts

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NOTE: I'm in the comments section for 1 hour from video release. Please hit subscribe and the notification bell so I can answer your questions.

Dr Vanita Rattan's channel is dedicated to weekly teaching for skin of colour, which generally suffers from different skin issues relative to Caucasian skin and requires different products, routines and treatments.

DISCLAIMER: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
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Absolutely loooove the short videos to frequently asked questions.


But would it make the skin more rough. Could you do a full video on this as I am curious on how shaving face affects brown skin. Thanks for this I was always curious


Hey Doc, please do a video on which razors or shaving gels to use for skin of colour, especially for sensitive skin?


Dr v plz to a in depth video on this and why we get acne breakouts post shaving face


Love this... if possible could you create a video on how to treat shaving or waxing bumps on the lower lady area and what products can be used please. I truly appreciate your videos your amazing I’ve shared your page to so many family and friends and they love you also xx


Every time I've removed hair I've broken out so bad. I always think it wont happen, then it does and I'm back to getting rid of the scars from the spots ugh


Hi Dr. V will you do a video on what alternatives for hair facial removal for women of color.


When I started getting laser treatment on my face I also started shaving (you’re not allowed to wax obviously). I’ve had laser treatment for about 3, 5 years because it just did nog seem to work for me. Every time I didn’t go for my laser appointment within 5 weeks of the last app. my hairs started to grow back thick and it’s very frustrating. I’ve actually been to several doctors to see if anything can be done but unfortunately not.

Just a warning for all brown girls that start shaving their faces, please please please be aware that you might get a stubble when you’ve got naturally thicker hair and that when you keep shaving it might increase hyperpigmentation on you face (it did for me unfortunately).


Great video but Dr V, can you do a longer video. I have brown skin and I'm scared to shave because apparently the hair growths makes the hair a lot more prominent in darker skin tones


I remember when I got my first dermaplaning last year. THAT night, I put vitamin c on. I had a painful burn on my chin for a week lol. Never again!!


Dr. V, you did not discuss long term. While its true the hair grows back sharper and not thicker, there's also data that suggests when hormonal changes take place as women get older, the hair willl grow back thicker.


Whats the best method to remove stomach hair?


Hello Dr. V 👋🏽 great video! Can you please do a video on the facts vs myths of how different foods effects the skin?


What about waxing the face rather than shaving? Any thoughts? 🤔


Shaving my face was the worst thing I’ve ever did. I personally do not recommend women to try it. It left me with dark marks after years of continuous shaving. I now use sugar wax & I’ll never go back.

I really want to travel to London to have Dr. V fix my face!


How to reduce and avoid irritation and bumpy skin after shaving? I have tried icing, using aloe vera, hydrating and eveything..but I always get textured skin after shaving, I really need a fix!!


Please suggest safe bleach that can be used in face those who dont want to shave.... plz..plz..


Yaaaasss! Finallyyy! I've been wanting to know your answer on this doccc hehehe 🥰


Please do a proper video ..on facial hairs ..like what is better waxing or shaving ... please do make a video on facial hairs topic ..
